
Pro D2 – Soyaux Angoulême win a scare against Biarritz

This Friday evening, in Chenzi, the SA XV won a must-win match against Olympique Biarritz, in the race for retention. Dominating early, but leading at the break (16-14), the Soyacs eventually prevailed 29-24, thanks to a penalty try on a carry ball at the hour mark.

Chasing hard to keep up, Soyeaux Angouleme had no room for error against Olympique Biarritz this evening. While a point separated the two teams early in the match, Alexandre Ruiz’s men had to win to remove themselves from the direct rivals. It has been, ever sinceThey won, 29-24. Thanks to this win, they maintain fourteenth place in the standings. Biarritz remains more ultimate than ever.

In Chenzi, BO started the game ideally, as they took advantage of angomoisin forwards on kick-off to gain possession in the opposition camp. This was used brilliantly, as after several periods of play, Temo Matiu charged into the opposition defence, Jonas served inside and the Basque back offered a try ball to Zach Kibirige (7-0, 2nd).

About ten minutes later, Bayreuth did it again with a great effort. It all started with Tyler Morgan’s acceleration at the halfway line. The Welsh center made the difference in three-quarters, before serving to Billy Searle, who found Kerman Orecotaxia high (6-14, 13th).

Charlie Franco's soundtrack remains penultimate.

Charlie Franco’s soundtrack remains penultimate.

Biarritz started well…

Struggling early in the match, struggling under high balls, but not trailing thanks to two penalties scored by Corentin Glenat (3rd, 5th), the Soyaxes really got into this meeting after a second Bayrot try. Alexandre Ruiz’s men had two interesting possessions in the opposition 22 metres, but were penalized each time (16th, 19th).

In this pleasant and lively encounter (the first stoppage of the game took place only in the 18th minute), Soyax found a solution in the Basque defence, half an hour into the game. After a throw-in 22 meters out, Emmanuel Saubus tried to break away, but the number nine was caught. Regardless, two minutes into the game, youngster Luca Tabarot crossed the red and white goal (13-14, 30th).

BO, good at first, a little less so later, made mistakes like these two hits conceded in his 22m (26th, 39th). For its part, struggling on the ground, the Soyx took the lead, thanks to a long-range penalty from Ben Botica (16-14, 36th), just before the break.

Double numerical superiority for soyax

On the restart, Ben Botica gave his team a five-point lead (19-14, 41st), taking advantage of Zakaria Al Fakir’s foul on the ground, but Searle immediately reduced the gap (19-14, 44th). The SA XV then monopolized the ball for long moments in the Biarritz camp, without managing to increase the score.

Deprived of the ball until then, Biarritz created a great chance on action starting from 22 metres, where Jonathan Joseph and Tyler Morgan played well, but Ayarza’s defensive return saved the SA XV (52nd). Four minutes later, this same Morgan broke a tackle and avoided a second, giving his team the lead again (19-24, 56th).

The back-and-forth score continued at the hour mark and with a wrecking ball, the Soyacks earned a penalty try (26-24, 60th). From this moment on, Biarritz was forced to play ten minutes with thirteen, as Thomas Hebert (59th, repeated foul) and Charlie Matthews (60th, broken maul) received yellow.

Doubly numerically inferior, Biarritz almost didn’t see the ball, but defended rather well, leaving a frenzied energy on the field. Soyax, better in the scrum, once again failed to break the red curtain and after picking the touchline several times, decided to point to the posts.

Ben Botica then gave his team a five-point lead (29-24, 75th). BO, with a last effort, in vain, half-way back to the fray. The Basque club will have to settle for a defensive bonus. The Soyacs, for their part, take a four-point lead over their evening opponent.

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