
“Priority File”: After the War in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s Crazy New Project in Space

A project not yet mentioned publicly.

Vladimir Putin has a new idea for Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. A project he wants to prioritize.

During a meeting of the members of the Minushtin government in Moscow, the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, this Thursday, March 14, unveiled the Russian project to create a transport space module based on central nuclear power, development and promising production launches, as well as to build a new orbital station. , Interfax news agency reports.

Comments to which the Russian president hastened to add “You mention some areas in which we have good expertise and what’s more, we also have foundations that we can be proud of and rely on in the future. For example, the nuclear power plant you mentioned. It is on purpose. To work in space

“We have skills that other countries don’t have”

And Vladimir Putin officially instructed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to look into the issue, which he described as a priority and which must be financed in a timely manner.

“We all know that we have skills that other countries don’t have, but we must pay special attention to them so that they can be developed and used to solve the problems that arise in the future, can be solved with this, and are essential. Technology “Added a tenant of the Kremlin.

On February 15, White House officials held a closed-door briefing with members of Congress “A serious threat to national security” From the United States, the Russian economic newspaper Kommersant reports. The discussion will focus on Russia’s development of an anti-satellite system.

Vladimir Putin has already hinted in the past that information about the Russian Federation’s plan to put nuclear weapons in space is an argument in negotiations with the Americans.

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