
Massive hack in recent hours, 1.5 million pieces of data potentially affected?

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Cyber ​​attack again on France! According to information from Zataz, the French Football Federation (FFF) has fallen victim to a massive data leak in recent hours. Personal data corresponding to the identity, postal address and email of football body licensees in France was confirmed by the government this Tuesday. “Passwords, bank details, medical data and identification photographs are not affected,” however, a press release mentions the cybermalvalence site. The Cybercrime Brigade (BL2C) of the Paris Judicial Police was tasked with investigating the case.

A complaint can be filed

For the moment, government services have been unable to identify the source of the hackers, although an account using the pseudonym Chris Fellenberg claimed responsibility on an online forum. And now there is the threat of phishing. The main risk is actually seeing this personal data being sold online to scammers, who will use it to make their scams more credible. “People affected by this violation of their personal data, if they wish, have the possibility to file a complaint using the online complaint form available on the State Portal Security, without going to a police station or gendarmerie” press announcement.

In sum

Cyber ​​attack again on France! According to information from Zataz, the French Football Federation (FFF) has fallen victim to a massive data leak in recent hours.

Yusef Galaza-Boudra

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