
LG introduces its first transparent and wireless television OLED T

Las Vegas – South Korean multinational LG introduced OLED T this Monday, its first transparent and wireless television, in the framework of the CES consumer electronics fair, an event that is being held in Las Vegas this week and brings together the international technology sector.

The television is “virtually invisible” when it’s off, so it doesn’t block the view if it’s placed in front of a window.

The new model combines a 77-inch transparent 4K OLED display and LG’s wireless video and audio transmission technology.

Behind the OLED T’s transparent panel is a contrast film that, with the push of a button on the remote control, can be raised to make the TV look like any normal OLED, or lowered if the user wants to see what’s behind the screen. .

The company describes the model as a “transparent digital canvas” that can be used to display artwork, videos or photographs.

LG has not announced a launch date, but according to special press, the company will launch its new transparent television this year.

It also hasn’t revealed pricing, but expect it to be more expensive than its latest 77-inch wireless OLED model, which costs around $5,000.

At the presentation, LG also announced that the new LG TVs will come with Chromecast built-in, meaning users will be able to stream videos, photos, music, games or their social networks from their phone to their TV.

A smart home robot

At today’s event, the South Korean multinational unveiled other innovations, such as a smart home robot that seeks to create a “functionless home.”

The tiny 33-centimeter robot, called an “artificial intelligence (AI) agent,” has two “legs” with wheels and can “move, learn, understand and participate in complex tasks.”

The company noted today that the aim of this machine is not only to help at home, but to provide company to both people and animals.

Your “face” is a screen that can transmit your “feelings”. In addition, the machine can “communicate verbally with users” and move through any space, as it is equipped with a microphone and camera.

The robot can “autonomously patrol” the home, remind users to take their medication and greet them at the door when they get home, among other things.

CES opens its doors to the public tomorrow, but today some titans of the industry, such as LG, Samsung or Sony, present their news to the press.

The annual event, which ends on Friday, will feature more than 4,000 exhibitors and hundreds of industry expert panelists, and this year’s star topic is expected to be artificial intelligence (AI).

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