
Kangana wants to keep Hegerberg, Cascarino, Le Sommer and Mbok

Ada Hegerberg warming up during OL - Chelsea

Ada Hegerberg warms up during OL – Chelsea (Photo by Olivier Chasignol/AFP)

Several players are coming to the end of their contracts with OL, notably Ada Hegerberg, Griez Mbok, Eugenie Le Sommer and Delphine Cascarino. Michelle Kang, owner of Phanots, wants to keep them.

She’s been an integral part of the OL women’s landscape for many months, but Michelle Kang The sale was finalized recently. The officialization also went down this Thursday at 6pm. Ahead of the announcement, the boss of the reigning French champions gave an interview Olympic-at-Lyonais (You can find it here).

In it, she outlines her ambitions and her strategy for the club’s future. Amid questions surrounding Sonia’s group BombasterThere is the transfer window, and specifically the management of women’s footballers whose leases expire in June 2024. Some, like Vanessa Giles Or even Christian EndlerExtended in the Rhône, but for other structures, the question arises.

One thing is for sure, Michel Kang has a strong desire to keep the attackers like Ada, who make Fanots successful. Hegerberg And Delphine Cascarino. “Absolutely! They are an integral part of the workforce. Many fans identify with the players more than the teams. she told us. Lyon has many talented players. Both, as well as Eugenie at the end of their contracts (Somer), Grige (Mbock)They have been central to our team’s success, so we absolutely want to keep them.”

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