
‘I’ve been there too, everything will be fine’: Woman gives birth to first child thanks to transplant from her own mother’s womb

A true technical achievement. A significant advance for medicine

This Tuesday, January 2, Manuel was born in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). A little boy who came into the world “naturally”, thanks to his grandmother’s womb!

indeed, Myra – who has just become a mother – is Rokitansky syndrome : She was born without a uterus and with a short vagina. A malformation that affects 1 in 5,000 women.

A normal pregnancy

But in Barcelona, ​​a womb transplant program has emerged at a hospital clinic in Barcelona. And Myra’s 50-year-old mother volunteered to help her daughter. Myra’s mother had her uterus removed, a delicate operation that required about 12 hours of intervention. A uterus that was transplanted into Myra.

as follows ? A normal pregnancy and delivery on January 2, according to our colleagues at 324. Myra also claimed that she said before giving birth to her child: “I was there too, everything will be fine”.

a situation “Incredible, Shocking and Strange”, according to Myra. But a process that is moving forward and which is already used in eight institutions in Spain but which was not carried out after the mother did it on her daughter.

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