
In which areas of Toulouse is real estate the cheapest?

Depending on the neighborhood of Toulouse, real estate prices vary more or less significantly. Here is where the prices are the lowest.

Toulouse real estate neighbors
Real estate prices in Toulouse © Altitude Drone/ are more or less high depending on the neighborhood.

From district to district in Toulouse, prices vary wildly. Thus, according to recent figures released by the Interdepartmental Chamber of Notaries, the average square meter for an old apartment can go for more than €5,000 in the Capitol or less than €1,500 in Paphos. While real estate reaches new highs in certain areas of the Pink City, it is significantly more affordable in other areas.

Thus, prices per square meter average at or below €2,500/m2 Among the 13 districts of Toulouse:

  • Fontaine-Lestang (2,590 €/m2),
  • Croix-Daurade (2,560 €/m2),
  • La Cépière (2,530 €/m2),
  • Les Pradettes (2,500 €/m2),
  • land (2,480 €/m2),
  • souped up (2,430 €/m2),
  • The Izards (2,280 €/m2),
  • A rose garden (2,020 €/m2),
  • The Forguet (1,950 €/m2),
  • Fauret (1,540 €/m2),
  • Papus (1,450 €/m2),
  • Trifle (1,390 €/m2),
  • Beautiful shower (1,330 €/m2).

Prices have skyrocketed in many of these neighborhoods

As observed across the Pink City, prices in most of these sectors have declined in 2023 compared to the previous year. They also fell sharply in Fontaine-Lestang (-11%), the district experiencing the most significant price drop, Bellefontaine (-9.9%) and La Forguet (-9.1%). Square meters also decreased in Fouret (-6.6%), Croix-Daurade (-2.7%), Izards (-1.9%) and Lalande (-0.1%).

However, some of Toulouse’s cheaper areas have seen their prices rise this year. This is the case La CépièreIt is also the Toulouse district to record the largest increase in 2023 Fontaine-Lestang And no Papus. Indeed, the average price per square meter for older apartments increased by 15.4%, 12.5% ​​and 7.4% respectively. Price hikes confirmed for Fontaine-Lestang. “Six months ago, we had recorded an increase of 5% for this district. So it increases in value quarterly. In contrast, during the same period, we recorded a small decrease at La Cépière,” notes M.E Henry Chesnellong, representative of the Court of Appeal in charge of real estate. Two other neighborhoods also reported increases, but less significantly. In one year, the square meter has increased by 2.9% souped up and from 1.2% Predates.

What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Toulouse?

Among the most expensive neighborhoods, three exceed €5,000 per square meter: Saint Etienne (€5,530/m2), Capitol (€5,280/m2) and St. George (€5,190/m2). Six months ago, there were six of them. But Carmelites (4,950 €/m2), Saint-Aubin-Dupuy (4,940 €/m2), and Saint-Cyprian (4,640 €/m2), which recently crossed the €5,000 mark, saw their prices drop in 2023, leaving them out of the top 6 most expensive neighborhoods.

Thus, they join the areas of Toulouse where the average price per square meter is between €4,000 and €5,000. This currently concerns 10 neighbours:

  • Carmelites (4,950 €/m2),
  • Arnaud Bernard (4,940 €/m2),
  • Saint-Aubin-Dupuy (4,940 €/m2),
  • The cottage (4,910 €/m2),
  • Matabiau (4,770 €/m2),
  • Saint-Cyprian (4,640 €/m2),
  • Busca (4,630 €/m2),
  • compens (4,430 €/m2),
  • Saint Michel (4,290 €/m2),
  • Emmer (4,200 €/m2).

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