
Hidden Contaminants of Decaffeinated Coffee

After water, coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world, with an estimated 2.6 billion cups of coffee consumed every day. For those who wish to benefit from caffeine’s antioxidant properties without the effects of caffeine and without damaging their accustomed taste buds, there is an increasingly popular option: “decaffeinated” coffee. But behind these seemingly ideal omissions are extraction processes without risk to the health of consumers…

The countries that consume the most coffee are in Europe, and France is not left out, with more than 5 KilogramsKilograms Average per capita consumption per year. This drink with multiple properties is especially appreciated for stimulating the functioning of the nervous system through the famous substance: caffeine. The latter can be more or less well tolerated depending on the person and the amount consumed, which can lead to sensations such as tachycardia, tremors, nervousness, anxiety, sleep disorders, etc. That is why more and more enthusiasts are concerned about their health. Switch to decaffeinated coffee, which retains its aroma, less caffeine. However, this “low caffeine” virtue hides vices that our bodies would do well without being exposed to. These are

Caffeine, Theine: Are They the Same Thing?

Caffeine extraction is done from coffee beans that are still green, i.e. unroasted. There are three processes, most decaffeinated coffees are made using the methods involved solventsolvent, because it is the cheapest process. The direct method involves immersing the beans in methylene chloride or ethyl acetate, which binds to the caffeine and removes it from the beans.

To learn more about the effects of coffee on your health (and your hearing too!) and why espresso machines make so much noise, listen to this episode of INFRA, a sound documentary by Futura. © Futura

The indirect method, for its part, does not involve direct contact between the beans and the solvent: the beans are soaked in hot water, this soaking water is then treated separately to decaffeinate it, and finally to re-immerse the beans. Recover their scent.

In these two methods, chemical agents with stripping, dissolving and degreasing properties are used, which causes controversy as they also “Possibility of getting cancer”, according to the National Institute of Research and Safety for the Prevention of Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases (INRS). Although dichloromethane residues are usually undetectable after roasting, which occurs at temperatures above 200°C, and European regulations limit their presence to 2 parts per million (mg/kg) in roasted coffee, it is safer to turn to other extraction methods. .

Good coffee is transparent coffee

use of carbon dioxidecarbon dioxide LiquidLiquidOr water and filters CoalCoal Creates active, alternative methods, which can very well be used as a marketing argument. As a result, and nothing obligates roasters to specify the decaffeination process used, the lack of mention probably means solvent interference. In general, for your health, but also for your social and environmental values, it is better to turn to coffee whose origin and production processes are clearly indicated, and if possible from fair trade, which guarantees respect for human rights.

“100% decaf” does not exist!

Coffee beans contain 1 to 2.5% caffeine. With the mentioned extraction processes, this rate drops to 0.1% after decaffeination. In addition, know that coffee is not the only ambassador of this substance: tea, cocoa, cola, mate, guarana… I grant you, it is necessary to consume more in order to achieve the appropriate caffeine level. “Real” coffee, but it’s good to know when you want to limit it! And what’s even better is the variety: there are so many comforting and social drinks with multiple benefits: what if we stopped stigmatizing ChicoryChicory ? I think I just started a new debate among coffee purists…

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