
Here are the new amounts required initially

Following the revaluation of the retirement pension amount, another component has just been adjusted: the amount of income required to declare one’s departure. This is a significant parameter on which the possibility of retirement partially depends.

Contrary to what one might believe, retirement is not based solely on age or the number of quarters completed (average 172 quarters). Another important element makes it possible to determine whether an employee is entitled to leave; This is the minimum annual income amount. And for good reason, this amount is required to validate a quarter.

What is the new amount needed to retire?

From January 1, 2024, this amount has been re-evaluated and is now at a higher level than in 2023. Henceforth, the net amount imposed to validate the 4 quarters of the year is 5,270 euros or a total of 6,990 euros. This represents, among other things, a monthly income of 439 euros.

As a result, to ensure this new threshold, workers would have to earn an additional 15 euros per month on average, or 180 euros per year. However, it is useful to emphasize that this amount concerns certain categories of workers, such as part-time employees, such as temporary workers or even students.

More generous pensions for new retirees

Apart from the increase in the mandatory minimum amount for validating quarters, new retirees who will leave in 2024 will get a lot of benefits. Among which, revaluation of 5.3% of retirement pension amount due to current inflation level.

Similarly, to ensure a comfortable standard of living for senior citizens, especially those preparing to retire this year, the Social Security Ceiling (PASS) has been increased by 5.4%. An increase that increased the maximum amount of the retirement pension, from 1,833 euros in 2023 to a total of 1,932 euros in 2024.

On the other hand, Agirc-Arrco retirees can enjoy the end of the penalty on retirement pension, which was removed on December 1, 2023. As a result, new retirees from the private sector will be able to benefit from their full pension, without fear of discount

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