
He inserts a battery into her urethra, causing her genital tract to become necrotic

A solitary sexual experience turned into a nightmare. A 73-year-old man was forced to hit a pool table several times after three 1-cm-wide button batteries were inserted into his urethra. According to the Daily Mail, the septuagenarian waited 24 hours before consulting a doctor. While there, he admitted to using the battery for “self-gratification purposes” and had never had a problem removing such items in the past.

In particular, button batteries, if left in the body, release a corrosive liquid that can burn tissue and blood vessels within hours, causing severe internal damage and bleeding that can be fatal. In the emergency room, the man described experiencing severe pain and also said he felt like he could not empty his bladder properly.

At first, the doctors tried to remove them using forceps but the patient was limping “The procedure was difficult to tolerate and was abandoned”. So the man underwent surgery during which doctors were finally able to remove the battery using forceps.

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Eight centimeters of dead tissue

After this operation, the man was forced to take a battery of antibiotics. But it was not enough to save the situation. Ten days later, he returned to the hospital complaining of penile swelling and urethral discharge. So the patient had to undergo a new operation during which the doctors discovered that black spots had formed on his urethra. He was actually suffering from penile necrosis. So the doctors had to remove the eight-centimeter section of dead tissue they had just seen.

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Ultimately, the septuagenarian recovered well from the tragedy. On the other hand, he was advised against a complete reconstruction of the penis, which, according to the doctors, would take too much time “given the complexity of his injury”. In the journal Urology Case Reports, they also reminded that battery insertion is “extremely harmful” and requires a “clinical emergency” given the risk of battery acid discharge into the urethra.

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