
Hard blow to Apple. Based on initial testing, price isn’t the Vision Pro headset’s biggest problem. It has two other drawbacks: it is too heavy and it gives headaches

JVTech News Hard blow to Apple. Based on initial testing, price isn’t the Vision Pro headset’s biggest problem. It has two other drawbacks: it is too heavy and it gives headaches


The Vision Pro, which will be released in the United States on February 2, is already facing problems inherent to VR headsets.

The arrival of the Vision Pro is imminent

After introducing personal computing with the Mac and revolutionizing mobility with the iPhone, Apple is once again poised to fundamentally change the way we interact with technology. At WWDC23, Tim Cook unveiled an innovative product he described as a spatial computer, which seamlessly integrates digital content into the real world.. In fact, this allows users to be both present and connected to their environment. This product is called Vision Pro and presents itself as an ultra-advanced augmented reality headset.

This is undeniably the biggest challenge for the Cupertino company! According to our information, The American giant has been working on the project for more than seven years, twice as long as it was dedicated to the release of the first iPhone.. This helmet also represents an important milestone, as it is the first product fully developed under the direction of Tim Cook. However, its publication is scheduled February 2 in the United StatesA few lucky people are able to test the product before its marketing.

Problems inherent in VR headsets

Even if feedback on the Vision Pro is mostly positive, Some problems darken the picture. Indeed, like Phone Android It notes, Victoria Song, journalist at The Verge Says that after half an hour of use, There was some discomfort. She explains: “Although I never left my bed, I spent half an hour thinking about an alien planet like a child. But by the end of my demo, I started to feel the weight of the headset dragging me back into the real world. I frowned, concentrating so hard that I started to get a slight headache. »

Hard blow to Apple.  Based on initial testing, price isn't the Vision Pro headset's biggest problem.  It has two other drawbacks: it is too heavy and it gives headaches

Another such story comes before usEngadget And Cherlin Law who was also able to test Apple’s augmented reality headset. She writes in her response: “That (Vision Pro) They were wide, ribbed and soft, and I initially thought they would be very comfortable. But within 15 minutes of my experience, I began to lose weight through the device, and five minutes later I was in pain. » Importantly, the journalist continued her comments by explaining that after reporting her discomfort to Apple, the people in charge of the presentation provided her with another headband with two straps, The effect of which was to remove his pain.

Photo Credit: Apple (YouTube)

Hard blow to Apple.  Based on initial testing, price isn't the Vision Pro headset's biggest problem.  It has two other drawbacks: it is too heavy and it gives headachesHard blow to Apple.  Based on initial testing, price isn't the Vision Pro headset's biggest problem.  It has two other drawbacks: it is too heavy and it gives headaches

This first return to the Vision Pro highlight A recurring problem faced by mixed, augmented, augmented or virtual reality headsets. In fact, these devices attempt to immerse the brain in a virtual environment by inducing the perception of distant images, even though the screen is close to the eyes. This discrepancy can lead to conflict with the accommodation-convergence reflex. Usually, accommodation occurs when fixating on near objects, causing the eyes to converge. With a VR headset (or others), the brain can be disrupted by conflicting information, potentially causing headaches and eye pain.. In addition, The lag between images and head movements can cause symptoms similar to motion sickness, such as nausea and vomiting., after prolonged use. Ultimately, even though Apple plans to introduce an ultra-innovative product to the market, it’s a shame to see that even the Vision Pro fails to avoid the problems inherent in its family of products.

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