Gastric Reflux: Discover the Miracle Diet to Reduce Them
Choose low-fat foods
Foods high in fat can aggravate reflux. So it is better to choose low-fat foods, such as low-fat meats, low-fat dairy products and sources of beneficial fatty acids such as avocados or nuts.
Avoid trigger foods
Certain foods can trigger reflux. Limit consumption of spicy foods, citrus fruits, caffeine, mint, chocolate and tomatoes. Often associated with episodes of gastric reflux.
Choose small portions and frequent meals
No Smaller, more frequent meals May help reduce pressure on the stomach, thereby limiting reflux. Avoid going to bed immediately after eating to give digestion time.
Focus on non-acidic foods
The Low acidic foodsSuch as green vegetables, potatoes, bananas and whole grains, may be better tolerated and may reduce the risk of gastric reflux.
Reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption
Alcohol and tobacco can Symptoms get worse Gastric reflux. Limiting or avoiding these substances can help reduce esophageal inflammation.
Hydration and weight management
Stay well hydrated by drinking enough water and maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can increase blood pressure on the stomach, thus promoting reflux.
A favorable diet to limit gastric reflux
In conclusion, a low-fat diet, avoiding trigger foods, favoring smaller and more frequent meals, as well as adequate attention to hydration and weight management, can help reduce acid reflux. It is important to note that everyone reacts differently to food, so it is recommended to tailor this diet to specific needs.