Employers resume discussions on the creation of “senior permanent contracts”.
Decryption – The objective is to facilitate the return to employment of workers above the age of 60 who have been made unemployed.
A real contradiction. Despite an unemployment rate of 5%, the lowest of all age categories, seniors experience the worst difficulties in finding a job once registered with France Travel. “The average duration of unemployment in France is one year; For those above 55 years of age, this increases to 800 days”, thus regularly reminding CFDT’s number one, Marylease Leone. Many older employees, pushed out by their company, choose not to start looking for a new position and choose to wait until retirement, taking advantage of the guarantees offered by unemployment insurance: a longer period of compensation, the possibility to contribute up to the full rate. .. The termination of the contract at the end of their career is also sometimes opportunistic, arising from a tacit agreement between the employee and the employer, to benefit from a type of “Pôle emploi pre-retirement”.
As a result, the employment rate of 60-64 year olds in France remains low compared to its European neighbours: 36.2%…