
Dr Jimmy Mohammed’s wonderful method

How to fall asleep in 60 seconds? Jimmy Mohammed offers a fantastic method to fall asleep fast!

Came to promote his book. Zero constraints, above all nothing changes » On TPMP set in March 2022, Jimmy Mohammed Took the opportunity to give A tip that can change the lives of people who struggle to fall asleep quickly.Throughout the day, we will encounter some stressful information (…) We need a transition to fall asleep » Like young children who need a break with a bedtime story, he compares. And to add: ” We too need a transition(…) The principle is simple. By controlling our breathWe can fall asleep in 60 seconds.

OK, but exactly how to do it? You need to breathe for 4 seconds. You block for 7 seconds and you exhale for 8 seconds ». By repeating this breathing exercise three to four times, Will allow the heart to slow down And that’s it! The words of the ambassador of the 4-7-8 method, Dr. Jimmy Mohammed, are reassured by a recently published study. Physiological Society ; Which shows that this method will help calm the nervous system, reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety levels and improve concentration.

4-7-8 Method, Harvard Professor Dr. Put forward by Andrew Weil and a passionate defender of alternative medical approaches, drawing inspiration from ancient meditation and breathing techniques. It aims to calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety and promote a state of relaxation conducive to sleep.

How to get sleep easily? Advice from Doctor Jimmy Mohammed!

In the past, the show aired on Europe 1 Well done to you, PAF’s most famous doctor suggests that regularity in the sleep schedule is the first step to ensuring a good night’s rest. Advocating the establishment of routines, he emphasized the importance of sleep in the first half of the night compared to erratic sleep schedules. Maintaining exposure to moderate light before going to sleep is Dr. Mohammed has another tip Preserve melatonin, the sleep hormone. So it is recommended Dim the house lights and avoid screens. Additionally, doctors suggest adding melatonin-rich foods, such as cherries, to your diet; And to suggest that melatonin is available in pharmacies without a prescription and can help promote sleep, without side effects as long as the dose does not exceed 1.9 mg.

What is a typical night’s sleep for an adult?

A normal night’s sleep for adults There is a repetition of a cycle which consists schematically Two phases which always follow each other in the same order. LFirst, slow-wave sleepCorrelates the slowing of electrical brain waves (and their activity) with progressively reduced maintenance of muscle tone.

Second, of paradoxical sleep, Compared to wakefulness, brain waves connect, which reflect intense brain activity, Disappearance of electricity emitted by muscles, whose vowel has been eliminated. At the end of this second phase, a micro-wake-up lasting a few seconds leads to a new cycle or awakens the sleeper. Cyclic architecture of sleep time has given rise to many hypotheses. One of them assumes that We may have retained the sleep organization of our distant ancestors who lived in the forest, at the mercy of hunters. Forced to be alert, they “completed” a sleep cycle, waking up to make sure nothing threatened them, before starting a new cycle, and so on. We, who have no reason to wake up periodically, relate the cycle to a single period. Also Ancestral heritage is present in our genes and is reactivated when needed : This is witnessed by mothers of young children who sleep with only one eye open, or solitary sailors who face the perils of the sea. They cannot spend the whole night and sleep in a short period, the time of a complete cycle.

Multiple benefits of sleep

It is clear that sleep is physically and nervously relaxing And, for a long time, we have not seen how it is more than a restorative restoration. We’ve begun to glimpse it thanks to experiments with analytics, measuring devices, medical imaging, and… sleep deprivation. And thus we know that it has many other roles besides resting the body. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that lack of sleep reduces physical and intellectual abilities, impairs alertness and attention skills, and lengthens adaptation and reaction time. Many industrial disasters (and many car accidents) can be explained by sleep debt. Thus, on the investigation report The 1986 explosion of the space shuttle Challenger concluded that the accident was caused by poor judgment associated with lack of sleep: “ Ground officials had slept only two hours the night before the accident and was operational from 1 am on the day of launch. » The first obvious conclusion is that sleep is essential for wakefulness!

Sleep also conserves and allows energy Repair of biochemical and physiological processes used in the waking state. The proof of this is that the duration of sleep increases in all situations that increase or increase metabolic processes: intense physical exercise, pregnancy, fever or the period of puberty, during which the teenager is growing up. An older theory holds that by reducing organic metabolism, sleep contributes to the elimination of toxins and wastes produced during the waking state.

If a night of sleep alternates between two very distinct phases, the analyzes confirm what logic alone would suggest: i.e. Slow and paradoxical sleep do not have the same functions. Slow-wave sleep phases have maintenance, recovery, and physiological restorative roles and are significantly prolonged in the first hours of the night in those who have previously suffered from sleep deprivation.

Many hormones are also secreted during slow-wave sleep (aldosterone, testosterone, prolactin, insulin and above all, growth hormone, which has an essential role in protein metabolism) increases. Children grow up during this stage. Those whose nights are troubled by sleep apnea syndrome, which blocks slow-wave sleep, grow poorly because their growth hormone secretion is disrupted.

Targeted assays also made it possible to observe that cell division multiplies during this period. As evidence Blood lymphocyte activity peaks at the beginning of the night, which says that our immune system takes shape at night and that poor sleep increases susceptibility to infection. This is also evidenced by the multiplication of epidermal cells, whose maximum division occurs around one o’clock in the morning (if you are asleep!): thus Sleep prepares the skin for the onslaught of the day.

Finally, recent medical imaging studies show that The slow waves of slow-wave sleep phase and are associated with bursts of electrical activity that interpenetrate them Increased activity of brain regions involved in memory consolidation. Remember we were taught that lessons reviewed before sleep are remembered better!

Numerous studies confirm this: the power of slow waves increases at night after learning (and especially in motor function), and the synapses that have been implemented are strengthened. New information acquired during the day is temporarily “stored” in the central brain structure, the hippocampus: during slow-wave sleep, it is transferred to another region of the brain where it is permanently recorded: the cortex. Functional imaging shows that the stronger the activity of the hippocampus, the better the learning is consolidated.

@dr.jimmy.mohamed 3 things that happen during sleep. #tiktokacademie ♬ Original Voice – Dr Mohamed Jimmy

Slow-wave sleep and REM sleep

If slow-wave sleep is maintained and restored, paradoxical sleep forms and develops. Even better: he has A key role in brain maturation. And it is no coincidence that it is dominant before and after birth: in the thirty-sixth week of fetal life, it takes over. 50% fetal sleep, while its duration decreases to 20% of sleep time in adults and further decreases in old age. It is certain that paradoxical sleep also contributes to memory: neural networks used during the day are strengthened and consolidated during this stage of sleep.

Functional imaging work, which makes it possible to observe changes in different areas of the brain during sensory, motor and cognitive stimulation, identifies Areas of the brain whose activity increases during paradoxical sleepL. This particularly concerns areas involved in processing emotions and visual information, which explains the emotional and pictorial nature of dreams.

If most of us sleep An average of seven to eight hours a night, 20% of subjects sleep more than eight hours and 23% sleep less than seven. The difference in sleep time between short and heavy sleepers is essentially at the beginning of the slow-wave sleep phase, when their deep sleep and paradoxical sleep are in between. On average, the brain of a short sleeper behaves like a previously sleep-deprived standard sleeper: it increases the amount of slow – and restorative – sleep. As for heavy sleepers, their sleep patterns are similar to average sleepers, they just have longer cycles. The cause is probably genetic.

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