
Detoxifying, this new vinegar can dethrone cider vinegar

This vinegar will contain more detoxifying organic acids than cider vinegar.

You may know kefir, but not kefir vinegar yet? Soft in the mouth And Less sour and harsh Kefir is a brand new product that will have benefits Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. “Vinegar is made from it Fruit kefir fermentationFor production under special conditions, with aging in oak barrels At least 6 months (compared to 48 to 72 hours for a classic kefir drink). This Long fermentation Brings a unique complexity that we cannot find in other vinegars. It contains slightly less acetic acid than wine vinegar or cider vinegar, but moreorganic acid Detoxifiers On the nose, we smell more of lactic fermentation than alcohol, Which is very tasty, Dr. describes Apostolos Nerantzakis, orthopedic surgeon and founder of The Kefir and Kombucha Company that markets it. This includes his research on prevention and Relief from osteoarthritis Because of which he started working Kefir and KombuchaNatural remedies that contain interesting anti-inflammatory substances.

Anti-inflammatory effects

The main beneficial effects of this vinegar are due to the acetic acid, kefir, other organic acids (lactic, malic, gluconic, citric acid, etc.), polyphenols, minerals, vitamins, pre and post-biotics that it contains. This has been shown in scientific studies, including one published in the journal Food Biotechnology in March 2023.With a symbiosis of nearly sixty different strains of bacteria and yeast, it therefore has all the proven benefits of unfiltered and unpasteurized artisan cider vinegar (with the mother).including benefits Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and detoxifying. Moreover, it works on a regular basis Blood sugar and blood pressure (There are kefir vinegars with fenugreek that are specially formulated for this)and has Also affects lipids (helps reduce the rate of “bad cholesterol”Editor’s Note), he continues.

Can we consume it daily?

Yes, our expert answers, as a “tonic” in the morning: Dissolve one to two teaspoons or so in water. You can use it at the end of cooking as vinegar in your kitchen, to prepare dishes, in salads without mixing it with oil, because of its sweetness (so a low calorie option) and in desserts.

Does it make your stomach hurt?

In contrast, a real probiotic fermented product like fruit kefir or kombucha Improve digestive problems And this has been proven many times by many scientific studies“, mentions our interlocutor. However, there is only At the beginning of the consumption of kefir That can have some unpleasant digestive effects, especially if our eating habits are poor and Altered microbiota. That’s why we recommend starting with a very small amount of kefir every dayGradually increase your consumption. Once our microbiota gets used to it, there is usually no risk of stomach aches.

Any contraindications?

Despite its acidic pH, kefir vinegar Not contraindicated in case of heartburn : “It also has hepato- and gastro-protective effects. One study also found antibacterial effects against Helicobacter pylori, a major cause of gastric ulcers.“, the expert reports. Naturally Without sulfites, it is suitable for people intolerant to sulphites. The only contradiction is for people immunity. “Kefir vinegar contains billions of bacteria per milliliter, and yet Probiotics and healthy bacteria, they can cause infection in an immunocompromised patient. So these people are advised to consume kombucha or fruit kefir. Pasteurized“, advises Dr. Nerantzakis.

Does it contain alcohol?

Kefir vinegar is a mild vinegar that contains zero residual alcohol, Because it is essentially a lactic and acetic fermentation and Non-alcoholic. As a result, it can be consumed by people who cannot consume alcohol for personal, medical or religious reasons, the expert concludes.

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