
“Certainly beneficial”? Effectiveness, origin… What is the value of the “30-30-30” rule, popular for easy weight loss?

The so-called “30-30-30” method is increasingly popular among people looking to lose weight. Where does this morning routine come from? La Dépêche du Midi discusses this increasingly popular practice in several points.

When it comes to weight loss, not all recipes are necessarily worth following. In the jungle of good tips, one of these methods stands out. Proof of this: on the social network TikTok, the hashtag #30-30-30 Rule Weight Loss Rule It has almost 80 million views. Some users also claim to have lost several pounds in a few days using this process. La Dépêche du Midi This method returns in several points.

What is the “30-30-30” method?

The procedure involves 30 grams of protein—whether animal or plant-based—at your breakfast, taken 30 minutes after waking up, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise. All without imposing restrictive diets or counting calories. On the protein side, we are talking about consuming, for example, eggs, oats, lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy products (Greek yogurt, cottage cheese), or even nuts…

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An effective method? “Following this method I lost two and a half kilos in three days”, testifies a TikTok user, called Coach Health.

Where does this method come from?

This process was popularized by an entrepreneur named Timothy Ferris. He returned to detail this morning’s routine in the entitled work 4-Hour Body (4 Hours for Body Hell, Editor’s Note). In short, this guide promised some weight loss and muscle gain. On the social network TikTok, it was biologist Gary Breka who helped figure out this routine. Not to be confused with another rule, a variation of the “30-30-30” method—which involves cutting your daily calorie intake by 30%, eating mindfully for 30 minutes, and doing 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

What does science say about this process?

Scientists have wondered: Is eating a protein-rich breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up really effective for weight loss? “There’s a lot of scientific evidence that eating more protein, especially at breakfast, can help reduce caloric intake throughout the rest of the day, because protein helps you feel fuller longer,” says Josten Fish, a dietitian. Health. “A protein-rich breakfast can help stabilize blood sugar levels and combat insulin resistance, which is the cause of stubborn weight loss,” adds Michelle Rautenstein, registered dietitian nutritionist and cardiology dietitian.

Are there any limitations to this method?

This method recommends low-intensity cardio exercises (about 135 beats per minute or less) such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming and using an elliptical trainer are all options. But if we apply the rule to the letter, these exercises should be done within 30 minutes after eating. Probably not the best idea, says Tara Schmidt, chief dietitian at the Mayo Clinic. today : “All exercise helps lower blood sugar, so it’s absolutely beneficial. But I don’t think exercise should be done so quickly after a meal.”

As for practicing low-intensity exercise, Jason Machowski, exercise physiologist and dietitian, clarifies that it won’t strictly speaking “burn fat.” “Low-intensity exercise burns a higher percentage of calories from fat,” he explains. But high-intensity exercise can burn more total calories. According to experts, the key factor for weight loss remains a calorie deficit, meaning burning more calories than you consume. The effectiveness of this method will also depend on it. Everyone’s basic activity level and sports habits.

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