
A silent struggle with a 2 to 5 times higher risk of suffering from it during menopause

Every January 13, the world comes together to raise awareness about the importance of the address DepressionA disease that Affects millions of people Worldwide. On this International Day to Fight Depression, how this condition is highlighted is essential Especially affects during menopause.

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Statistically, depression Affects women more than men, and manifests itself uniquely throughout their lives. It is important to understand how Biological, social and psychological factors They combine to shape this experience.

DommaA company specializing in the research and treatment of menopause, reveals alarming data: there is a risk of suffering from depression 2 to 5 times higher during menopause.

Features in Figures

This Menopause, although a natural phase in a woman’s life, involves a series of physical and emotional changes. As a result a Decreased estrogen productionHormones responsible for emotional balance, women become more sensitive to pain Emotional and psychological imbalance.

This hormonal decline can result in various symptoms, From sadness and anxiety to mood swings Pronunciation. A recent study by Domma, in which more than 8,500 women participated, concluded that more than 50% feel anxietyWhen approx 50% feel sad. Other symptoms detected include stress, irritability, mood swings and fatigue.

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The relationship between physical signs of menopause, such as hot flashes and insomnia, and Increased risk of depression Highlights the need to address not only the symptoms, but also their emotional and hormonal roots.

Features like Hot flashes, insomnia and sexual problemsThey significantly increase the risk of depression when they suffer significantly. However, the co-founder of Domma, Mireia Rocca, these signs and Look for solutions.

Depression and Menopause

The most worrying thing is that, according to studies, the risk of depression during menopause is 2 to 5 times higher. This is because of Effect of estrogen In the central nervous system, stress hormones and happy neurotransmitters are regulated.

Decrease in these levels Directly affects mood, makes women feel sad, lonely, distressed and with less vitality and energy. The emotional impact of menopause Adds to physical symptoms Typical of this phase.

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United to face adversity

It is necessary to approach menopause A positive outlook and remove the associated stigma. Experiences can be shared with friends and colleagues who are going through similar physical and emotional changes Helps to be normal and positive Menopause. However, professional help must be sought when symptoms are persistent, severe, or disabling.

The Domma team also emphasizes the importance Take a holistic approach For well-being during menopause. Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, adopt Develop healthy habits and manage anxiety and stress levels They are key ingredients to avoid sudden mood swings.

On this International Day to Fight Depression, we remember that depression during menopause is a A reality that affects many women. Let’s raise awareness, share experiences and find comprehensive solutions to address both physical and emotional symptoms.

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