
A preview of the future balance

A new cycle has appeared on the PBE for several days, patch 14.7, and with it a series of new balance changes. In particular, the program includes a buff for Galeo, Nasus, and Smolder, nerfs for Fiora, Wreck’Sai, and Volibear, as well as tweaks for Camille, Karma, and Nami.

Preview of future PBE balancing LOL 14.7

The developers responsible for the balance in League of Legends have announced List of champions and game mechanics Which will undergo adjustments, with the next update 14.7, improvements, power reduction or balance. This update is currently being tested on the PBE and should be deployed to live servers around Wednesday April 3rd.

A slight buff to Galeo, Nasus and Smolder

Some champions received excessive buffs or nerfs in the last update. As for Galeo, Kane, Smolder, and Karma support, Riot Games approves of the direction of the changes made to these champions, but recognizes that their power levels are a bit inadequate. For weaker champions (Kayen, Smolder), Riot Games’ goal is to restore them to about half their previous strength. Regarding Karma support, the intention is to restore his abilities to their initial state, although the situation in midlane has improved. For Galeo, the goal is to return to its previous state, but with modified power distribution to favor health-based builds and slow rotation.

In this update, the general objective is to reduce damage caused by supports while improving their ability to help their allies. Riot Games is also making specific adjustments to encourage Camille’s return to the top plane. According to Riot Games, it is acceptable that Camille can occasionally be played as a support, but this should not detract from her primary topplane position or become her main role. Jannah is not mentioned in these arrangements because it has already been weakened by the changes in Zazzaq and the Mandate. Riot Games plans to review the situation if these measures prove insufficient.

Balance on Champions

















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