A dog eats 4 thousand dollars from its owner video

There are dogs Man’s best friend, no doubt about it. However, on many occasions, these spouses, with all their innocence, can cause us a certain fear that ultimately ends in a “tragedy”.

At this point, anyone’s worst nightmare happened, and that is, after saving $4,000, Puppy A couple no Pennsylvaniaby name ClaytonDecided to eat most of the bill, leaving them with a serious problem.

The couple recovers 4 thousand dollars eaten by their pet

The couple showed how their dog, who they described as a calm pet with no “criminal” history, helped the couple. Torn bills on the floor of his house. So, they decided to take the initiative to recover the money.

The video shows how The couple had to wait for the dog to return the moneyTo see if they can recover even a little of what was lost and in fact, they show how “Lomito” returned some pieces of the bill.

From there, both of the animal’s “parents” wash the bill with a towel and when they dry it, they start gluing everything they can. Finally, the couple points it out They were able to recover $3,550So it paid off to “get your hands dirty” and work long hours.


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