
Esport – League of Legends: In LEC, BDS leads alone, Vitality awakens, Carmine can’t do it

BDS is solid

A perfect week, a record of five wins to one loss (against G2, early and without qualification), guaranteed the first team stage play. play-offs Heading the LEC’s winter segment and standings alone: ​​Everything is going well for BDS and his group of Frenchmen. Strong this weekend against clients – Fnatic, MAD Lions KOI and SK Gaming, down a notch after their excellent start – they put on the best face in the LEC, with perhaps G2. If that whole quintet responds, special mention still goes to Lebros “Lebrov” Papoutsakis, great on Blitzcrank – a champion who works in Europe.

Better, if there was solid training in BDS Early game Last year, she sometimes struggled to convert as the game progressed. A flaw that seems to fade over time, reinforcing the impression of solidity offered by a team that was perhaps a bit underrated before the start of the season… as it came out of the world. Errors repeat, but BDS confirms.

Snape, it’s very fragile

No wins for Rogue this week, just one in total (against G2…), and few positives to come out of a team that doesn’t have one yet. However, she opted for continuity with three players from last season’s team – failed -, injecting some new blood to do better. In high demand during the transfer window, Emil “Larsen” Larsen is not there and French rookie Theo “Zoelis” Le Skornec is doing what he can. We have to show a lot in the next three days to avoid a big loss. Because on paper, there was reason to be optimistic…

Vigor wakes up

At the bottom of the rankings with three defeats in the first three days, Vitality made up for their false start perfectly. Solid success against Rogue, a shaky win against Carmine Corp, and a very good performance against G2 – in a testing phase with a certain draft, certainly, but one that never takes away from a meeting – and now The B Team presents. Balanced record. Lots of progress and interesting things for the future, either in individual performances or both Team battles : Started French Club.

Hard learning of Carmine Corp

Last in the rankings with six defeats, Carmine Corp is very close to elimination before the stage. play-offs of this winter segment. Heartbreak for fans of the French structure, so popular in France, as it enters the league this year. Despite an encouraging opening performance, his team showed more flaws this week. Like Snap, this training isn’t just training. She lacks head, style and many other things to hope for better.

The accumulation of defeats also undermines self-confidence already, and individual or collective difficulties that result in others, are in a vicious circle that is difficult to stop. The bet presented by this squad is for a moment of failure and will perform a miracle during the last three days of the regular season. But what really matters: Karmin is only there for ten days. She has a lot of time ahead of her.

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