
They change their lives thanks to the lucrative Airbnb concierge profession

Concierge services play an important role in the booming sector, driven by a thriving seasonal rental market, primarily through the Airbnb platform. For some, it is also an opportunity to change their lives.

Increase your salary and improve the comfort of your life… The Brahimi couple managed to do what thousands of French people dream of by becoming self-employed. A bold approach, for which we had to put in the work. Every week, for two years, Enzo Brahimi and his wife, in their thirties, have taken care of about fifteen apartments each.

Airbnb seasonal rental properties, in which they mainly clean, change and wash clothes. “We have an image of housekeeping as hard work that no one wants to do, Enzo assures Brahimi. There are more and more demands, but fewer and fewer people are willing to do it.

In addition to cleaning, the couple also manages the entry and exit of certain travelers, and restocks closets with basic necessities. A solitary, self-employed job, which is a real requirement “Organization and Logistics”, It assures.

There’s no question of the Brahimi couple managing on-site advertising or after-sales service: they insist they’re not a concierge service. They are callers, in addition to individuals, but for their part, they like to initiate “Through the hardest part, through the heart of the business, without skipping a step”.

If their days start at 9 a.m., they usually end around 3 p.m., and never after 5 p.m. The pace of life is strongly opposed to their previous pace. Enzo Brahimi worked in catering and earned 1,500 to 2,000 euros per month. Today, his and his wife’s salary allows them to live on around 6,000 euros per month. With a “Improved mental load, better lifestyle and more time for our three children”It emphasizes.

It assures us that, the couple meets the growing need of the owners. “We don’t even need to advertise, because demand is so strong, Father declares. Currently, we are only turning away customers, as we have about forty accommodations using our services.”

Strong demand, which is shown by the increasing number of seasonal housing to the detriment of traditional housing. In Bagnères-de-Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrénes), there are more than 1,000 short-term rental offers, according to statistics from the AirDNA site. Airbnb includes about 400, according to Véronique de Conde, manager of 2BLucky concierge services.

The concierge activity is so successful that the company Airbnb itself developed a French start-up, Lucky Purchase, and a local partnership that offers exclusive contracts with the platform. Véronique Conde is one of its partners and today manages sixteen apartments. It provides full service for 20% of owners income.

She wakes up “pressure” It exercises Airbnb, which demands a rating equal to or greater than 4.6 on the site, which forces it to “Provide the best possible quality of service.” Photos, announcements, contacting… Véronique de Conde takes care of everything for the workload “huge” And often late, when there is an independent state.

summer 2023, Seasonal rental prices in France increased by 4.9% PHP holidays site. That doesn’t stop traditional fares from increasing their prices as well.

In December 2023, the National Assembly began examining the Transpartition Bill. The text aims to regulate furnished tourist accommodation such as Airbnb, which has been accused of harming long-term rentals.

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