
How far to walk to lose 1 kg?

has been reported by Current wifeAmerican researchers from Brigham Young University observed it Easy walking does not guarantee there Weight loss. In fact, the figure displayed on the scale Mainly depends on the balance between calories ingested and calories burnedAs well as everyone’s basic metabolism.

Walking, although beneficial to your health, is not a very energy-intensive activity. For example, walking 10,000 steps burns only 500 calories. This value increases with the number of steps, but remains limited compared to other physical activities.

1 kg weight loss challenge

for Lose 1 kg Fat, it will be necessary to walk Approximately 215,000 stepswhich is equivalent to 100 km. That’s about 8,000 steps per day for 26 days. These statistics highlight the reality of the challenge of losing weight through walking alone.

Despite its ineffectiveness for weight loss, walking remains Beneficial for health Overall it helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, maintaining mental health and physical well-being. Thus, adopting a daily walk remains Valuable habits for a healthy life.

Complementary with other physical activities

for Those who want to lose weightWalking must be associated with others More intense physical activities and a balanced diet. Like games Running, swimming or weight training have proven their Efficiency In this field, however, regular and continuous practice is required in the long run.

Walking is A valuable companion to health, but it is not a miracle weight loss solution alone. A combination of a balanced diet, other physical activities and daily walking allows you to develop a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, which is conducive to a balanced figure and optimal health.

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