Officer! Florida now bans sleeping in public places

It’s official, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just signed a bill in the middle of this week that bans sleeping in public places. As it turned out, the measure was previously approved by state lawmakers amid the immigration crisis.

The wave of migration is getting bigger every day. At the same time, housing rents rise to unsustainable prices every month. These are, without a doubt, two latent problems that do not allow local authorities to look the other way.

DeSantis discussed the issue of immigration and affordable housing during a press conference in Miami Beach. Of course, the central issue was that he had recently signed on homelessness. The governor publicly promised greater access to services for Florida’s homeless.

The good news for these people in “homelessness” will come in issues like substance abuse and mental health issues, he highlighted. Local 10. According to DeSantis, the new law will ensure that the state’s streets are clean and safe.

Within the new law

With his words DeSantis defined the essence of the new law that will be implemented in Florida very soon. “It prohibits camping on city streets, sidewalks and parks. It also creates enforcement tools to ensure that local governments comply with the law. Additionally, it ensures that homeless shelters provide options for substance abuse and mental health counseling when the shelters have reached capacity.”

This law will come into effect from October 1. Provides for the state Department of Children and Families to oversee local governments. Designated areas will be created for the homeless to camp for up to a year. Camps will only be built if local homeless shelters reach capacity.

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