
Here are all the upcoming hikes

The confrontation between liberal doctors and health insurance continues. While the final meeting between the two parties is scheduled for early April, the doctors seem to have won the first victory: an increase in the price of certain consultations.

According to recent discussions, there are plans to increase prices for certain consultations provided by specialist doctors. This particularly concerns consultations with psychiatrists, which should reach 57 euros, or for melanoma screening with endocrinologists or dermatologists, which will be increased to 60 euros. The same applies to the “Pediatric Expertise Asylum” consultation for teenagers and children, which will cost 60 euros.

For a consultation with a gynecologist, it will reach 40 euros. Similarly, the practitioner will soon have the right to bill for all ultrasound scans performed during pregnancy, whereas previously he was required to bill for only three.

It is useful to remember that during the February 8 meeting, the Health Insurance proposed to set the price of a consultation with a general practitioner at 30 euros, which was set at 25 euros from 2017. The price was raised for the first time in November 2023 to 26.50 euros. Unions, who had demanded a price of 50 euros, are off the mark. Another proposal was put on the table during the negotiations: an increase in prices for consultations performed during weekends and public holidays or at night.

A long consultation with an attending physician now costs 60 euros

Another key advance in the debate between private doctors and unions of health insurance: the billing of a long consultation at 60 euros. This is a consultation conducted once a year on persons with disabilities or persons above 80 years of age. It is carried out, for example, for a request for Personal Autonomy Allowance (APA), before the admission of a person over 80 years of age or for a consultation in the presence of an Advanced Practice Nurse (IPA). It is also carried out for de-prescription of hyperpolymedicated patients.

It is worth noting that these proposals are still under discussion. Moreover, a new meeting is planned in April regarding prices.

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