
How much can you save on your mutual insurance in 2024 with these tips?

The cost of your mutual insurance probably won’t bother you every month. Many of you are wondering How much can you save? on your supplementary health insurance. Especially since health-related spending is expected to increase by 4.5% in 2024, according to a study conducted by economic research firm Xerfi.

Choose a mutual insurance that meets specific needs

To have enough money for a peaceful retirement, you have to Assess your real needs. So the first method involves analyzing your profile and your medical needs.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine what level of coverage will be right for you:

  • Your expenses for routine care (medical advice, pharmacy)
  • Your use of specialty care (dental, optical, etc.)
  • Your frequency of alternative or alternative medicine use
  • Your family situation and family history

Depending on these elements, choose the right mutual insurance formula to avoid paying assures Unnecessary while maintaining adequate protection for sensitive locations.

Compare market offers to save

To reduce your mutual insurance costs, compare the offers available in the market and analyze their value for money. To do this, it is possible to use online comparators or consult a broker specializing in health insurance.

Here are some things to consider when comparing different contracts:

  • Guarantees offered and their extent
  • Annual Expenses (Contributions and Additional Expenses)
  • Compensation levels and ceilings
  • Base conditions (waiting period, exclusion of certain pathologies, etc.)
  • Any additional services (assistance, prevention, loyalty bonus, etc.)

Look out for low cost contracts

Beware of very cheap contracts that may underperform in terms of coverage and services. Choose the contract with the best value for money instead of just looking for the cheapest option, because this your purchasing power.

Avail tax and social benefits

In 2024, you can benefit from several possibilities to reduce your mutual insurance costs thanks to financial assistance and exemption schemes:

Health check : Assistance offered by certain local authorities to finance access to supplementary health insurance. The amount varies based on income and family composition.

Help paying for supplemental health insurance (ACS): Intended for people of modest means who cannot benefit from CMU-C and allows them to reduce their annual contribution.

Tax benefits associated with Madeleine law : For self-employed workers (TNS), it is possible to deduct contributions paid under the Medellín Mutual Insurance Agreement from their taxable income.

Optimize your mutual insurance contract thanks to the company

If you are an employee, also consider taking advantage of a supplemental health insurance contract offered by your company.

The law requires companies to enter into a collective agreement with an insurance company to cover their employees. This means that mutual insurance costs are shared between the employer and the employee, thus allowing significant savings.

By using these different techniques, it will be possiblesave Significantly on your mutual insurance in 2024 while maintaining a level of coverage that suits your needs.

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