
According to this toxicologist, the number of cups that should not be exceeded per day

French people consume about 148 cups of coffee per year. Be careful not to forget the serious effects that high doses of caffeine can have…

For breakfast at home, to go, at the office… Seen as coffee Fuel for the day For many people. Ifop’s latest statistics for Cafelista indicate that the French consume on average 5.4 kg of coffee per person per year. This is equivalent to more than 2 cups per day and approx 148 cups of coffee per year. Espresso In its simplest form (without milk or sugar) remains the preferred choice of consumers. But if coffee tolerance differs from person to person, there is a daily amount of caffeine that should not be exceeded.

The first signs that you need to stop

Consuming 400 mg of caffeine or about 4 cups of espresso can cause unpleasant effects. “With this dose, a person feels anxious or irritable, but not enough to permanently weaken or “kill” someone.” mentions dietitian Erin Palinsky-Wade, interviewed on CNN Health in March 2024. Certainly, it’s necessary. Listen to your body, observe what he tolerates and do not drink more than this amount, especially if there are symptoms such as anxiety, a feeling of tension, involuntary contractions of the fingers, headache, palpitations or diarrhea. In large amounts, caffeine can put you at risk Deadly poison. “Its stimulant effects disrupt the heart’s rhythm, which can lead to abnormal heartbeats, seizures or even Possible cardiac arrest Emergency Physician and Director of Medical Toxicology at Staten Island University Hospital (United States) Dr. Neema Majlesi says.

When we drink too much coffee we lose essential minerals

what else is “Because coffee increases urination, people who consume high amounts of caffeine are especially at risk of eliminating essential minerals. Potassium And low potassium levels (hypokalemia) can cause harm until the muscles paralyze them, the reason Difficulty breathing (weak respiratory muscles) and Prevents kidney to do their work“These more severe effects can occur when a person consumes about 1,200 milligrams of caffeine or about 12 cups of espresso during the day.”If you suspect caffeine poisoning, you should Go to the emergency room immediately“, warns the toxicologist.

To avoid caffeine poisoning, toxicology experts advise that you monitor the amount of caffeine you drink each day and not take it irresponsibly.. Attention:

► If you drink other drinks Contains caffeine For example energy drinks, tea (especially black tea), Coca-Cola, guarana or yerba mate drinks…

► If you are in the habit of taking “Double Espresso” Or a “doppio” (double shot of coffee), which logically has twice as much caffeine. Note that the type of coffee that contains the most caffeine robusta : 2 to 3% (percentage of caffeine of dry weight of bean) caffeine in seeds compared to 1% for Arabica.

Robusta, the strongest

By the volume of the cup. If you take “great coffee”, for example, A large mug of filter coffee 20 cl contains almost twice as much caffeine as 3 cl of espresso.

How to drink your coffee. Staying hydrated and keeping food in your stomach—especially meals rich in protein and fiber—allows the body to absorb caffeine longer. “You may experience fewer side effects than if you take it on an empty stomach“, he added.

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