Ana Garcia assures that her campaign will be financed within the framework of the law

Former first lady Ana García de Hernández, during a visit to the National Party headquarters in San Pedro Sula, reported on the financing of her political campaign, which she said would be “within the framework of the law”.

Garcia indicated that for this project he would solicit the support of many friends and conduct various activities to raise the necessary funds. Likewise, he maintained what he had previously suggested Don’t have a lot of money. So he raised funds to pay for JOH’s private legal defense in the United States.

On the other hand, he refrained from answering questions about fugitive officials who indulged in corruption. This, supposedly during the command of her husband Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado. In turn, he suggested that “everyone with their conscience.”

In Ana García’s opinion, her campaign has the support of the majority of the nationalist population. While he is asking the rest of the party followers to join him in his plan to seek the presidency for 2026.

García Hernández is on a political tour of the northern part of Honduras after announcing his presidential candidacy on March 12. It should be noted that the former first lady has been questioned for this act following the conviction of her husband, former President Juan Orlando Hernandez, for drug trafficking in the United States.


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