
This video game is clearly one of the most ambitious of its time: something to look forward to and why

Game news This video game is clearly one of the most ambitious of its time: something to look forward to and why


Announced last year, The Alters came back to say hello yesterday during the Xbox Partners Showcase: it made a strong impression with the first gameplay trailer and a concept that remains as intriguing as ever.

Me, more me, and more me

Last year, we were delighted to see the return of 11 Bit Studios, the company with an outstanding reputation behind the impressive and ethical experiences of This War of Mine and Frostpunk: Polish developers are therefore working on a brand new game called The Alters… and they want people to talk about it.

So to speak, the concept is quite singular: in a giant spherical spaceship, Jan Dolski crashes on a distant planet And then rapidium, an extraterrestrial substance, must be used which allows it to create duplicates of itself. This is called an alter, except That they all have a different personality, stemming from a different past. In other words, these other Johns are alternate versions of him if he hasn’t acted a certain way or made certain choices throughout his life.

This video game is clearly one of the most ambitious of its time: something to look forward to and why

There is reason to be unstable (a little), but Jan must still complete her mission: get out of there and return home. So he has to live with, understand and cooperate with his changes, at the risk of facing the consequences of his own past and his previous choices. All this while, a planet turns towards a giant sun and begs it more than ever to escape.

Finally some gameplay

To say that we expect a lot from the storyline of The Alters is an understatement: 11 Bit Studio has well proven its storytelling talent with its previous games and so this new software looks very promising, the atmosphere is certainly interesting. above all, A new trailer released last night (found in our video player at the beginning of the article) boasts the gameplay reveal for the first time.

So we’re on A third-person game that focuses heavily on exploration – And indeed, what a panorama! – But also on management and reflection (with a side camera) inside a large vessel that we have to optimize. above all, The narrative aspect regularly comes into play Because we have to communicate with our different alters, manage their moods to create a working crew, and navigate from surprise to surprise.

Navigating between genres and also supported by an artistic direction that hits the mark, The Alters certainly feel One of the most exciting games of this year 2024, during which it will be released on PC, PS5 and Xbox series on a yet to be determined date.. We certainly can’t wait to find out more.

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An intelligent management game from the creators of Frostpunk: This War of Mine

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