
This habit is my only (real) New Year’s resolution to take care of my mental health

This habit is for the sole purpose of taking care of my mental health

There are many (and necessary) ways Take care of mental health. Because as we’ve said on other occasions, we take care of ourselves from the moment we wake up. However, this year I have decided ‘Make it easy’ And set a habit as my goal: Do everything consciously and not on autopilot. One of the recommendations that experts in various fields of wellness have recently repeated to me is: when practicing sports Familiar with posture And not to sweat for the sake of its benefits and sweat; eat deliciousWithout cell phones involved and observing how what we eat suits us… and, most of all, Do things one at a time, slowly, without looking at the phone at the same time and without thinking about what to do next. It sounds simple, but consider The mental pace in which we live And wanting to be multitasking and productive, I decided to narrow down my list of good intentions to just this one. I want to try to stop living on autopilot and pay attention to whatever I’m doing – for example, answering emails without doing any day-to-day work at the same time. That is my only wellness goal for this year. Because I believe that if I achieve it, and learn to live consciously, Will improve all aspects of my well-being. And it suggests, for example, Get up without looking at my phone And focusing only on the exercise I want to do or the coffee I’m going to drink, Go for a walk without your cell phone in your pocket either Eat without watching television. All of this will affect my well-being in many ways, including the fatigue I feel from living Warning status (And Multitasking).

You can start by implementing this rule

When we think fast and get set in (false) need, we want to achieve everything. It is difficult to fully enter that calm and conscious state. So, to start practicing it, I return to the recommendation From a nutritionist Christina Barras. “The big mistake we make in this sense is not switching off, going on autopilot mode all day. That’s why I recommend making microstops 2 minutes at least 10 times a day, Being aware of what we do and don’t do two things at once. It could be, for example, applying cream and only applying cream (without hearing that podcast at the same time, for example). Or prepare dinner without looking email Meanwhile,” says Barros, who advises consciously doing these daily gestures that we usually put into practice in multitasking mode, without meaning or need.”

Make things simple (and consciously)

Another option to start taking life differently – the See the glass half full or half empty It’s up to us – it’s all about trying to make it easy. It is definitely one of the pillars of Kaizen method, which advocates the importance of learning to live simply, focusing on what one can do and not on what is beyond our control. A certain psychologist Maria Martinez explains in his book Remains in kaizen mode (The editorial encourages) that focusing on the now and what you are doing in each moment makes stress disappear. “Just thinking about what you can’t do right now will keep you stressed.. More than thinking about what you can do, it’s because you think you can’t do it, because if you had absolute certainty – if you felt – that you would have time for everything and you would do it. can do You’ll be able to do everything you want and there will be no stress,” he explains. And he advises to stop thinking about what you have left to do because “it doesn’t help you move faster, in fact, it You stumble more because you don’t focus on what you have now, you want to control the future – which you don’t, which is up to you – and release control of the present, which is up to you,” That explains.

Importance of doing in the morning

However, the idea of ​​this purpose is that a A long-lasting, durable and realistic habit Which allows us to live consciously and do everything from the plane of attention and awareness to the present moment Coach Amagoia Eizaguirre He emphasizes the importance of not starting the day in accelerated mode. “The first few hours I spend slowly waking up, making a pleasant breakfast, focusing on the present. I activate all my senses“The smell of coffee, the sound of quiet music, I see the color of the sky, I prepare breakfast and I really enjoy the moment without distractions,” the expert tells us. What are the consequences of doing so? “I’ve noticed that this is how the day starts It has helped me focus, my internal dialogue will now start in a better mood. I’ve gone from getting up and going on autopilot to being more mindful. You never know what’s going to happen, but you can control how you start the day and enjoy the first minute.. Life is seen differently this way,” he concludes. Let’s go for it.

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