
Trump’s comments calling African-American voters “racist” caused outrage

Donald Trump has drawn a lot of criticism following statements about the African-American population.
The former American president has significantly made the link between the various legal proceedings opened against him and the discrimination suffered by African-Americans.

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New comments that will cause a lot of ink to flow. Donald Trump said during a meeting with a group of conservative African Americans in South Carolina on Friday “A lot of people say black people like him because they’ve suffered a lot and been discriminated against and they see him as someone who’s been discriminated against.”. Comments regarding the multiple legal proceedings opened against the former US President.

One who hopes to win back the White House in the upcoming elections has gone even further. “I’m guilty of you, the American people. I’m guilty of you, the black population.”He assured. “Some of the greatest evil in our nation’s history has come from corrupt systems that seek to target and subjugate others to deprive them of their freedom and rights. I believe this is why black people are on my side today, For they see that what happens to me happens to them also.”, he declared again. Caught up in several cases, the billionaire continued to rave about his mugshot. “You know who embraced it more than anyone else? The black population, it’s incredible.”he quipped.

“racist” comments

These comments were strongly criticized on both sides of the political spectrum, with many elected officials seeing deeply unsavory connections between African-Americans and crime. “It’s disgusting”The only significant candidate still running in the Republican primaries against Donald Trump was Nikki Haley. “This is chaos with Donald Trump, and this kind of offensive language will continue every day until the election.”, she warned. At the same time, Cedric Richmond, an official on Joe Biden’s campaign team, described the comments as: “Racist”. “For Donald Trump to claim that African-Americans will support him because of his criminal convictions is insulting. It’s stupid.”He condemned in a press release.

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MG with AFP

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