
According to a study, anti-covid vaccine causes several diseases

The study, conducted on 99 million people in eight countries, shows a link between the anti-Covid vaccine and the appearance of certain diseases such as Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Muriel Kaiser

Muriel Kaiser

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Different anti-covid vaccines can cause side effects
Various anti-covid vaccines can cause side effects –

Will we now have enough perspective to determine whether the vaccine used against Covid could cause serious side effects? A large-scale study, which analyzed health data from more than 99 million people, seems to show a link in any case.

The study was conducted by Global Vaccine Data Network, an international research network studying vaccine efficacy and safety. This study on Covid is based on statistics reported in Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand and Scotland. It was published in a medical journal Vaccinated.

Side effects from the first dose

“Most of whom were vaccinated between the ages of 20 and 59”, researchers explain. They looked at different vaccines used during the Covid-19 pandemic: those from Pfizer/Biotech, Moderna and AstraZeneca laboratories.

They make it clear “France had the highest number of doses administered (120,758,419)”. After the injection of the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, scientists noted an increase in the number of Guillain-Barre syndrome and cerebral venous thrombosis compared to average values.

Because of these serious side effects, in France, the vaccine was quickly reserved for people over 55, who present a low risk of side effects, according to the high authority for health.

Also Read: Here are which anti-Covid vaccines increase the risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome

Pericarditis, myocarditis…

According to the study, the Moderna vaccine appeared to promote the onset of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, an inflammatory disease affecting the central nervous system.

In general, all vaccines increase the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis “significantly”Again according to results published by the Research Network. “Other warnings have been identified that require further investigation”That makes it clear.

More research is needed to confirm the link

However, researchers say more research is needed. “To confirm associations” Conducted data analysis, but also for “Assess Clinical Significance” Side effects of vaccination against covid.

Other studies have recently linked the coronavirus vaccine to side effects. For example, a French study found an increased risk of menstrual disorders up to three months after the first injection of messenger RNA vaccine. These unwanted effects, however, must be balanced against the more generally favorable benefits of vaccination to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

A third of post-Covid patients suffer from psychiatric and neurological disorders –
The Health Mag – France 5

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