
Considering himself persecuted, Trump compared his situation to that of Alexei Naval

In the midst of a presidential campaign in the United States, the parallel made by Donald Trump is questionable. The former White House tenant on Tuesday likened his problems with American justice to political persecution and compared his fate to that of Russian dissident Alexei Naval, who died in prison last week.

The former president was fined $355 million on Friday for financial fraud by wildly inflating the value of his real estate empire to get more favorable loans from banks.

Trump sees his judge as “weird.”

He therefore compared the approval to the treatment reserved for Vladimir Putin’s main opponent in Russia. “It is a form of Navalny. “It is a form of communism or fascism,” he said during a public meeting in South Carolina. The judge who sentenced him “is a freak,” he added. “This guy decided I was guilty before the trial started. »

Restarted by a Fox News reporter, Donald Trump did not mention Vladimir Putin. He simply hailed Alexei Navalny as “a very courageous man” who, instead of voluntarily returning to Russia, “maybe it was better to stay away and speak from outside the country”. “This is happening in our country too,” he warned. “We are becoming a communist country in many ways. » “I have eight or nine trials due to the fact that I’m in politics,” he guessed.

Nikki Haley’s load

The comments come after initial controversy over Republican silence in the face of the death of Alexei Navalny, who died Friday in a Russian prison. His death sparked outrage in the West, and US President Joe Biden on Friday ruled that Vladimir Putin was responsible. But Donald Trump did not immediately react and was attacked by his rival for the Republican nomination, Nikki Haley. “The fact that he doesn’t say anything about Navalny (shows) that either he sides with Putin and thinks it’s okay for him to kill his political opponents, or he doesn’t think it’s an important issue,” she said. sunday

The former president is now using the affair to argue that there is a conspiracy against him, without ever mentioning Vladimir Putin. On Monday, he broke his silence on his Truth social network to advance this thesis by denouncing the CROY judges of the “radical left. » In addition to this civil case related to his real estate empire, he appealed, his electoral pressure on Donald Trump after the 2020 election, He has also been charged in four criminal cases over his handling of confidential documents or payments to silence a former porn star with whom he claims to have had an extramarital affair.In all, he faces 91 charges.

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