
Raid in investigation of milk giant Lactalis for tax fraud

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A judicial source said the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has launched an investigation into aggravated tax fraud and aggravated tax fraud laundering.

Currently in a conflict with its producers over milk prices, Lactel’s owner, president and Galba are clashing. The dairy group, with a turnover of more than 28 billion euros, discovered its headquarters this Tuesday, February 6. “as well as the group’s Parisian premises, in Montparnasse”, Provides details of a spokesperson for Lactalis, from which information is confirmed the world . Asked about a similar visit by the tax crime suppression brigade to the Paris home of the group’s owner and CEO, Emmanuel Besnier, the group indicated “No information on the subject.”

“These findings will be linked to the complaint of the farmers’ union from 2018 (For suspected tax fraud, editor’s note), File already checked by court », this spokesperson clarified. At the time, the Agricultural Union contacted the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF), which suggested that the Laval group had set up questionable financial arrangements in Luxembourg and Belgium in the mid-2010s.

According to our information, Lactalis then opened discussions with the French tax authorities as part of the so-called “comprehensive settlement” process, which allows for an amicable resolution of the tax dispute. However, the scale of the complaints may have encouraged the latter to give PNF control over the subject, “Preliminary Investigation (…) for Aggravated Tax Fraud and Laundering for Aggravated Tax Fraud”, According to world.

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