
6 Small Changes in Your Daily Routine That Will Change Your Life Starting Today (Inspired by Japanese Kaizen)

all of them Experts in habits They agree by saying that purposes They should be few and small. Focusing on it is more effective Millimeter changes Because, being more Easy to accomplishWe will succeed in fulfilling them and it will affect us Optimism To keep moving forward. what is it Psychologist Luca Mazzucchelli calls 1% method or Japanese, The Kaizen method. In short, if you feel like you can’t keep up with the resolutions you make every January, it might be because you can formulate them in a way. Too broad and uncertain. As he explains Sarah HarveyExpert in this method and author of the book Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Changing Your Habits (Editorial Zenith), “If you feel like you’re having a hard time sticking to your goals, Reduce them to the smallest fraction It is possible that you can. If you’re having a bad day and don’t feel like going for a five-kilometer run, try going for a walk. Do something, no matter how small, It is better than doing nothingAnd you can gradually move up until you reach your goal again.

6 subtle changes in your daily routine that will transform your life starting today

We propose to you 6 small routines Which you can incorporate into your life today Change your life now!. They focus on 4 main areas of welfare as ExerciseThe food Or the dream.

  1. Avoid the elevator in the office and sign up climb the stairs. You will push yourself to increase the number of The steps you take every day. Walk It is one of the most interesting exercises you can do every day. According to a study published in British Journal of Sports Medicine Meanwhile, walk fast 11 minutes per day (about 75 minutes per week) significantly increases us life expectancy. Also, when you do Climbing stairs increases its benefits.
  2. Forget about diet And Practice the Harvard plateat mealtimes. Created by nutrition experts Harvard School of Public Health, the amount of food on the Harvard plate will help you significantly improve your diet (and forget about dieting). What is a Harvard plate? It divides a single dish into three parts: 50% vegetables and fruits, 25% protein and 25% carbohydrates.
  3. Did you know that you don’t always have to say something? While trying to look into the eyes Talk to someone. Today’s lifestyle doesn’t always make it easy for us to see friends or spend time with those we appreciate. A simple way to Improve your human relationships He practices the simple gesture of eye contact when we talk to someone. This active listening Results will come and so will your human relationships High quality.
  4. Stop skipping breakfast and Eat a handful of almonds mid-afternoon every day. This Nut And almonds are rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals and are an essential food in the diet Blue areas of the planet, places where their inhabitants live for a long time. “The AlmondsFor example, popular in Icaria and Sardinia, where they are used in many dishes, while Nicoyans love Pistachio“says the researcher and author Dan BuettnerKnown as “The Wise Man life expectancyAlso, they help you good sleep.
  5. Zero mobile from 8 pm, well, write everyday Gratitude Journal. These small gestures, which do not take more than you one minuteAllowing you to inspire yourself A balanced view of reality. The easy thing is to live with the negative of what happens to us when we push ourselves See the good part (whatever exists) increases us Positive thoughts and feelings.
  6. Go to bed at the same time every day. This Regularity in hours of sleep How many hours we sleep is just as important. Sleep is one of the pillars of our health and it has been shown that regular sleep balances our body functions. Cardiac rhythm What is the benefit to us? Physical, emotional and cognitive health.

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