
Why is one testicle larger than the other in men?

In most men, the right testicle is larger and taller than the left.

The testes are glands located in the scrotum, at the base of the penis. They have a dual mission: Produces testosterone, the main male hormone, and produces new sperm for reproduction. On average, the size of the testicle is 2 to 3 cm. Width on 4 to 5 cm in length as an adult. Looking closely, we see that there are no testicles Never at the same height And there is always one big or others. “Don’t panic, it’s completely normal” Author of the “Prostate Minute and 1001 Sterilization” podcast, urological surgeon in Paris Dr. assures Vincent Hupperton. In fact, nothing in the body is perfectly symmetrical. We all have one shoulder or hip higher than the other, one leg longer than the other, one eye higher than the other. In women too one breast is bigger and higher than the other. This is completely normal as different parts of our body do not grow at the same rate. Speed, at puberty. This explains why men’s testicles are not the same size.

Not even at the same height…

The testicles in males (like the ovaries in females) are also not at the same height. Very simple reason. “Meanwhile Fetal development, these two organs form near the structure that will give rise to the future kidney. Then, during in utero life, they will migrate to their final location : scrotum at pelvic level and scrotum towards scrotum”, Dr. Vincent Hupperton explains. Outside, like the scrotum, lie the testicles Associated with arterial structures and venous Located at lumbar level. This determines their height. “Since the vena cava is more on the right side, the arteries and veins are not of equal length. The testicles and ovaries hang down and Never at the same height. That is why testicular torsion occurs only on one side.Urological surgery continues.

When to worry?

In the case of one testicle being higher and larger than the other, there is not No need to worry. As explained above, this is nothing unusual. On the other hand, A Increase the size of the testicles Sudden or progressive, consultation with a doctor is appropriate. The root can have many causes: an abscess, epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis, the organ attached to the testicle), orchitis (infection of the testicle), hydrocele (accumulation of fluid in the pocket around the testicle), or, more seriously, the Testicular torsion which represents Surgical emergencies. Finally, A Size Testicles can be a sign of testicular cancer, the most common cancer in men 20 to 35 years of age. Hence the importance ofRegular self-palpation.

Dr. Urological surgeon in Paris. Thanks to Vincent Hupperton, author of the podcast Prostate Minute and 1001 Vasectomies

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