
3 Signs That Make You Think About It

Bipolar isn’t just daily mood swings. It is characterized by fluctuations that extend over a defined period and present a specific intensity. Bipolarity manifests itself by alternating between periods of stability (euthymia) and moods that are abnormally high (elation, etc.) or abnormally low (depression). Criteria for the diagnosis of a major depressive episode require the presence of persistent symptoms for approximately two weeks. For arousal episodes, the duration is typically shorter, ranging from a few days to a week.

Certain depressive symptoms

Certain signs may indicate bipolar disorder during a depressive episode: sudden onset, irritability, mood reactivity (patients may still feel pleasure in response to positive events), increased appetite (especially for sweet foods), hypersomnia (more than 11 hours a night). The presence of psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions) or mixed symptoms (mental agitation, increased energy) also lead to the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

Disproportionate and flowing stimulation

During periods of excitement, there is a significant change in mood (often euphoria, sometimes irritability), as well as an increase in energy and activity. In episodes of hypomania, i.e. mood dysregulation, behavior may be more intense than usual, but usually remains controlled. On the other hand, manic episodes are characterized by impulsivity with excessive behaviors that may include very fast and unusual speech rates (familiar, rude words), inhibitions, risky sexual behavior, excessive spending and sudden decisions (divorce), resignation, etc. . ) which may endanger the person concerned.

Note: Family history also suggests that bipolar disorder exists. Positive Minders Association has developed a unique tool with the aim of providing relatives, friends, teachers, general practitioners etc. with the key to take early action.

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