
Women and people with disabilities are discriminated against the most

While the job market in France is particularly tight, seniors undeniably suffer the most. Older people, in fact, struggle to enter the job market, especially women and people with disabilities.

According to the Fund Management Association for the Professional Integration of Disabled People, seniors represent 52% of disabled people seeking employment, and only 28% of all jobseekers in France. In addition to people with disabilities, senior women are also heavily penalized by the job market.

According to Dares statistics, only 55.5% of women aged 55 to 64 work, compared to 58.3% for men in the same age group. Additionally, 31.5% of senior women workers hold part-time positions, compared to only 10.7% of senior men.

Women and the disabled face discrimination in employment

To denounce this disparity, Stephanie, 51, who is looking for work in security, services and industry, reported capital city That she submitted more than 800 CVs. ” In 95% of cases, I get no response. For the remaining 5%, the answers were negative “, she laments. In a few of her interviews, she shared some of the ideas she got from certain recruiters, such as “It’s good you don’t have a license, women driving, it’s a disaster “, she tells Capital.

A similar observation for Raphaëlle, 57 years old and with many years of experience as a heavy goods vehicle driver. She explains that due to the behavior of the employers, she is now forced to take on a series of temporary work assignments, “ When I’m constantly asking temp agencies for new assignments, I can find myself without news for weeks. Then suddenly, when they are in trouble, they call me.”She explains the same source.

Seniors with disabilities also struggle to find a place in the job market. Failing to secure fixed-term and permanent contracts, disabled workers are often forced to turn to temporary work.

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