
Without waiting for its accession to NATO, Sweden has already prepared to receive troops

Hungary is expected to ratify Sweden’s request for NATO membership this Monday. After the invasion of Ukraine, Stockholm reconsidered its defense plans: Östersund, a small town in central Sweden, was to become a military “hub” for the Allies.


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US Marines participated in a defense exercise in April 2023.

From north to south, west to east, all trains go to Ostersund. This small town in central Sweden is a rail and road hub, all the more important because on the other side of the snow-capped mountains is Trondheim, Norway. “The ice-free port of Trondheim is the gateway to the Nordic zone for NATO. It is home to a large NATO warehouse, US Marine and Norwegian Air Force headquarters.”Eric Essen, military coordinator for the city, explains the recently created position.

Sweden, historically non-aligned, chose to join NATO after the invasion of Ukraine. This choice is supported by 60% of Swedes. Hungary is expected to ratify its membership application on Monday, February 26, the final step after more than a year and a half of waiting for the Nordic country to join the Atlantic alliance following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The wait will be long: Hungarian nationalist leader Viktor Orbán’s delay added to negotiations with Turkey, concluded by a positive vote in January. Sweden’s accession protocol to NATO, which requires the unanimity of members of the Atlantic alliance, is on hold from May 2022. However, since that time, Stockholm has revised its plans for defense to bring them in line with NATO’s requirements.

“Rebuilding Credible Defense”

The challenge is to quickly modernize the infrastructure to allow the transport of tanks and thousands of troops across the Arctic, Finland and the Baltic countries. “What if Russia wins in Ukraine? What will it do next? Will it attack the West?”asks Niklas Dawson, mayor of Östersund.

“Five years ago, no one would have believed that Sweden could plunge into war. Now it has become a possibility.”

Niklas Dawson, Mayor of Ostersund

at franceinfo

The chosen one trusts him without batting an eye: “War may happen, so we must use the time we have left to rebuild a credible defense for the country and as a member of NATO.” Sweden does not fear a direct attack but Moscow will one day test the solidity of the alliance in its neighbourhood. It is therefore poised to become a central logistical link in the defense of NATO’s North-Eastern Front.

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