
Why did 185 people strip naked at La Rochelle town hall?

95 men and 90 women posed nude in front of photographer Sabrina Belli’s lens, alongside the “Man Cause Men” movement started by Hugo Guerin. With the message “Let’s talk about it”, the shoot aims to raise awareness of prostate and breast cancer screening among French people.

They bare for a good cause: to raise public awareness about the importance of screening for prostate and breast cancer. In front of Sabrina Bailey’s lens and with Hugo Guerin, the creator of the “Man Cause Man” movement, 185 people posed for the simplest camera. Purpose: To show that, if they dare to face the photographer, anyone can commit violence and agree to undress at a specialist’s office for a cancer screening.

Until now only men participated in this game but this year 90 women joined the movement to raise awareness about the importance of regular mammograms to prevent the incidence of breast cancer. Everyone met at the town hall in La Rochelle for this special photo session, as the story goes South West.

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The aim of this shoot is to spread the following message: Cancer, let’s talk about it, abstinence and modesty should not override screening, which is essential to prevent cancer.

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