
Why being near a bar or fast food restaurant is bad for your heart? A study answers the question

Living near pubs, bars and fast food restaurants may increase the risk of heart failure, according to a new study published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation.

When the heart loses part of its muscular strength and its capacity for normal contraction; It no longer pumps enough blood to the organs to provide them with enough oxygen and nutrients, which are essential for their proper functioning. Then we talk about heart failure.

Few studies have evaluated whether excess LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) or a diet rich in salt promotes the occurrence of heart failure. Relationship between heart failure and dietary environment. In short, does habitat location and food supply around habitat increase risks?

Risks associated with proximity to “ready-to-eat”.

Researchers at Tulane University in New Orleans worked from this UK Biobank, a database containing health information on over 500,000 adults in the UK. They then measured participants’ exposure to three types of food environments: pubs and bars, restaurants or cafeterias, and fast food restaurants.

During a follow-up period lasting 12 years, nearly 13,000 cases of heart failure were reported. And for scientists:

  • who lived within 500 meters of the pub The risk of developing heart failure increases by 14%;
  • Living near a fast food restaurant increases the risk by 10%.

For the authors, there is no secret, “‘Ready to eat’ food is an exposure to the environment Associated with increased risk of other disorders such as type 2 diabetes and obesityWhich can increase the risk of heart failure.

Scientists also point to the fact that precarious populations, those living on the fringes of city centers or without access to green space or physical activity facilities, are the most affected.

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