
What should you eat to avoid illness?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a pathology characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver, can lead to dramatic complications: liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver cancer… But fatty liver diseases – whether NAFLD or Its most advanced form, NASH – can be reversed by a complete lifestyle change.

“If fatty liver disease has not reached a critical stage, it is reversible”Dietitian and nutritionist Angelique Holbert confirms. “And there are two levers for this: physical activity and diet.” Author of the book “The Nash Diet Against Fatty Liver Disease” Shares good nutritional habits to adopt to help “defeat” your liver.

Prevent Fatty Liver Disease: Control and Choose Carbohydrates

Although we talk about fatty liver, fat is not the main enemy of the organ. The real culprits of NAFLD and NASH are carbohydrates. This family of nutrients includes “sugars” such as sucrose, glucose, fructose from fruits or lactose from milk, as well as starchy foods (cereal products, rice, pasta, corn, potatoes, etc.). Although they are an essential source of energy for the body, consuming large amounts of carbohydrates can cause problems for the liver. In fact, because of the “lack of space” that cannot be stored in the muscle cells, it is taken over by the liver where it is converted into fat.

“People need to understand that we must control all carbohydrates. That is, cut down on sugary foods, but choose starchy foods better.”A dietitian-nutritionist explains.

First of all, you have to go in search of sugar (candy, soda, cake, etc.), and pay special attention to those that are hidden (industrial products, honey, fruit, etc.). However, removing foods you love from your menu can be especially anxiety-provoking, the expert acknowledges. “This is why I always try to give positive information in consultations. If you are used to eating biscuits, you choose the least sweet. If you are used to eating milk chocolate, you switch to dark. We look at the place of sugar in the composition. , we choose those where cocoa is the first ingredient and sugar the last. Through this small gesture, we are already able to improve the diet.

Another way to reduce your carb intake is to choose starchy foods with a low glycemic index: replace potatoes with sweet potatoes, wheat semolina with quinoa, sweet industrial grains with flax. Oats. Also favor whole or semi-whole products for both pasta and rice. Products made from white wheat flour should be limited as much as possible. “Between the classic white bread baguette and sourdough bread – more perfect with a different type of yeast that sets faster and longer – the difference is huge”Angelique Holbert recalls.

Vegetables: Stock up to protect the liver

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy liver is to eat plenty of vegetables. “They contain numerous antioxidants and polyphenols that will protect the organ. The cruciferous family (all cabbages, but also broccoli, radishes and turnips) are especially interesting for the liver. These vegetables provide glucosinolates that are beneficial to the liver sector. They offer is.Protection of liver cells.

Vegetables are also an essential source of dietary fiber which contributes to satiety, digestion and insulin sensitivity. Many of them also contain vitamins B and C which play an important role in liver health and prevention of NAFLD. “Furthermore, with vegetables, we nourish the microbiota and we now know that this gut/liver axis is essential. This also affects liver inflammation and transaminase levels.”Angelique Holbert recalls.

Whether it’s a chore to peel or a childhood repulsion, many things can cause one to eat less or no vegetables. So, how can we consume more? “To encourage people to eat vegetables, I help them make a list with two columns: choose raw or cooked. Some say: “I like tomatoes, cooked but not raw.” Others say: the opposite. By searching, we always end up looking for popular foods to list: salad, grated carrots, radishes… By making a positive list, we manage to get a list of vegetables we like.”The expert assures.

And, for those who love vegetables, but their poor preservation or their preparation (peeling, cutting, cleaning) is low, there is also a solution: frozen food. “They should be taken without preparation. This means pre-cooked and sliced, but without sauce. In short, raw food”, warns the dietitian. Cans are also practical for preparing vegetable dishes quickly and easily.

“It is also possible to switch to legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, split peas, white beans, red beans, flagellate beans, mung beans. These are not vegetables, but starchy foods. However, they also contain fiber and protein. Longer and lower or have a medium GI. They’re kind of a super starch.”Adds a health professional.

Nash: Focus on good fats

To protect the liver from NASH and NAFLD, you should also favor good fats. Namely, sources of long-chain omega-3s such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). “For example it is found in sardines and mackerel”, the expert explains. Omega-3s help limit liver enzymes (transaminases) that damage the liver, and inflammation.

For the dietitian-nutritionist, it is also good to use some rapeseed or walnut oil in your daily diet. This brings up the latter Alpha-linolenic acid, a precursor to long-chain omega-3 (EPA and DHA). Another oil that you can safely include in your cooking: Olive oil. she “A family of fats particularly rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, associated with good cardiovascular health and good health in general”. It is also one of the pillars of the Mediterranean diet, especially recommended for liver health and fighting fatty liver disease.

Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans… a handful or two of oilseeds daily is also recommended. They have a low GI and help fill you up.”A good protective fat“.”Oilseeds should find their place in your daily diet (30 grams maximum in one or two servings per day, editor’s note) because, unlike sweets that load your liver with fructose, they also provide their share of essential nutrients.”Notices an expert in his work.

A healthy diet rich in vegetables and low glycemic foods is essential to prevent or reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. However, that is not all. We must also fight against a sedentary lifestyle. “We can defat the liver quickly”, but to achieve this you need a combination of diet and physical activity, because you have to remove what is already in the liver. To get rid of fat, you have to exercise, walk, move. There’s no better eating around”, Angelique finishes Holbert.

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