
Weight loss: This undoubted benefit when you lose weight

Dieting is often practiced with the aim of refining one’s figure, and therefore for physical changes or health reasons. Typically, weight loss is rapid in the first few weeks, but over time, progress slows.

There is an explanation for this. Our bodies and brains react in complex ways to dietary changes and weight loss. The latter has a beneficial effect on our mental and cognitive health.

Fight against small hunger

When a person loses weight, his body reduces stored fat, but also produces it Leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite and metabolism. This reduction signals the brain that the body needs more food. This phenomenon is exacerbated in obese people who have lost weight. Their brains are more receptive to hunger signals, which can lead to excessive cravings for high-calorie foods.

When faced with a sudden urge to eat, we tend to turn to processed foods for instant gratification. Our brains are actually looking for it Quick comfort and taste enjoyment. Some studies have shown that when a snack is desired, certain areas of the brain associated with pleasure become more active. The brain then forces us to turn to foods rich in “happy hormones” such as dopamine and serotonin.

Losing weight: benefits for our brain

To counter this brain effect, it is possible to choose ready-made, but healthier options, such as dried fruits or nuts instead of sugary biscuits, vegetable sticks instead of chips, Greek yogurt instead of ice cream. Replacing common snacks with healthier and more nutritious options helps reduce cravings while still satisfying pleasurable cravings.

Studies show that weight loss can Improve concentration, memory and problem solving skills. People who have successfully stabilized their weight loss over the long term show changes in the brain’s response to food stimuli. These changes can help them Better control Food cravings.

The fight for better physical and mental health

Losing weight can seem insurmountable, especially when our brain forces us to give in to temptation. With determination and perseverance, we can Train your brain Better manage snack cravings and adopt healthy habits. The health benefits, both mental and physical, are significant.

Rachel Hosey, an American influencer and fitness journalist, lost 13% of her body fat in a few months. In an interview with Insider, she shared her simple and accessible secrets to achieving her goals. First, the girl advises to choose Low calorie foods, but which provides a feeling of satiety. There is another tipAlternate hand During meals to eat. This will encourage eating more slowly, giving the brain time to recognize satiety signals. Rachel also advises keeping it Food diary To note daily successes and stay motivated. According to her, it’s also important to take photos of your progress to get a better look at them.

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