
Toilet paper has run out and will be replaced by this brilliant and very economical invention – tuxboard

Toilet paper has run out and can be replaced by this brilliant and very economical invention.

Is this the end of toilet paper? This greener and healthier option can change that forever!

You find toilet paper hard to believe May disappear one day ? However, you have to get used to the idea! Moreover, its place is gaining more and more followers. Soon, you too will be hooked!

Toilet Paper: A Health Hazard?

One of the most difficult everyday items to remove is toilet paper. Modern toilet paper, as we know it today, was Invented in 1857By a certain Joseph Gayety.

This American entrepreneur is the inventor of toilet paper that is cut into sheets and marketed in packages. Today, it can be said that his invention has changed the lives of many people.

Besides, it’s hard to imagine a world without toilet paper. But, we have to get used to it! Indeed, this is an essential everyday product disappeared !

Used for personal hygiene, toilet paper can actually be dangerous to your health. At least some types. You should know that thin, thick, white, pink or patterned papers are available in the market!

And the least harmful to health will be white paper. It preserves its “natural” color, so it will be less dangerous for users. Actually, you should know that some manufacturers use dyes to give their product a pink color.

On the other hand, you also need to pay attention to the texture of the paper you buy. For example, there is nothing worse than toilet paper with a “good smell”! This is an indicator that manufacturers use substances to give this false good smell.

An eco-friendly and economical option

Besides being a real health hazard, toilet paper is also a real ecological disaster! You should know that it takes one ton of toilet paper to produce 27,000 trees cut down and transformed to arrive at the final product.

So its production has a real impact on the environment. This is also why many people turn to other possibilities. Including alternatives that are more respectful of nature.

Moreover, technological advances in recent years have allowed these alternatives to replace toilet paper. This new invention is none other than the Japanese toilet.

According to the makers, this invention will soon replace toilet paper. It would also revolutionize the classic bathroom as we know them today.

But what is so special about them? Well, you should know that this toilet allows for more effective intimate cleaning than toilet paper. You will no longer need paper that can endanger your health.

If you choose to go with this option, be aware that you have two options. First, you can change your entire toilet for a so-called Japanese toilet. However, this option can be expensive.

In fact, it will take a few thousand euros for that. The good news is that there are other options that are less expensive, but viable.

For example you can choose a toilet seat. This option will cost you around a hundred euros and will be just as effective. It’s a really small investment, but know that it will save you money on the toilet paper you buy today. Plus, this option is better for your health and the planet!

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