
TikTok is asking its users to pressure Congress to defeat its ban bill

American elected officials want to pass legislation banning TikTok in the United States unless the social network cuts its ties to its parent company, ByteDance, and China more broadly.



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Pictorial image of TikTok, February 10, 2024, Brussels (Belgium).  (Jonathan Raa/Noorfoto/AFP)

TikTok is fighting back. On Wednesday March 6, according to the special American media The Verge, the platform asked its users to support it against a bill brought by American elected officials to ban it in America.

In a notification sent to its users, the social network made the assurance “Congress Considering Total Ban on TikTok” Who will deprive “170 Million Americans Denied Their Constitutional Right to Free Speech”. According to a screenshot shared by The Verge, the alert allows users to find and contact their congressional representative.

A screenshot of a message social network TikTok sent to its users in the United States (MIA SATO / THE VERGE)

The campaign comes as American elected officials in the House of Representatives on Wednesday announced their intention to pass legislation banning TikTok in the United States unless the social network cuts ties with its parent company, ByteDance, and more broadly with China.

“We came together with ten Democrats and ten Republicans to introduce legislation that would ban TikTok from operating in the United States unless it cuts ties with ByteDance or any entity controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. (CCP)Mike Gallagher, a Republican, was elected chairman of the House Committee in charge of the PCC during a press conference.

Users 18 years of age affected

on social networks “A total ban on TikTok, no matter how hard criminals try to cover it up”.

Company spokesperson Alex Haurek told American media about the notification Forbes That it was sent to users over the age of 18. However, he did not mention the number of people who saw the message and the number of calls to representatives.

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