
This is how a diet that helps improve your eyesight works

In addition to certain foods, it’s important to stay hydrated and moderate consumption of foods high in saturated fats and sugars.

While a healthy diet can provide the nutrients needed for vision, regular visits to the eye doctor are also essential.

According to the statistics of World Health Organization (WHO)Some 314 million people endure visual impairment There are 45 million of them in the world the blind. For entities, most of the eye conditions suffered by people over 50 years of age, Can be treated easily.

maintain view The best condition depends on many factors, one of them is food. a Diet Balanced and definitely rich Nutrients can play a fundamental role.

Eye drops.

Importantly, a balanced diet that includes a variety of fresh, nutritious foods is key to maintaining good eye health.

Importantly, a balanced diet that includes a variety of fresh, nutritious foods is key to maintaining good eye health.


Best food to enhance vision

However, the carrot It is historically known for its benefits viewThere is a wide variety food Equally powerful that can strengthen and maintain vision the best

Green leafy vegetables

This parentthat Tomorrowthe wave chardis rich in Lutein And ZeaxanthinTwo Antioxidant Essential that accumulates in the retina and helps filter harmful light. These nutrients can help reduce the risk of developing it Eye diseases Age-related, such as macular degeneration.


Omega-3 rich fish

He SalmonThe Sardines And Tuna They are excellent resources Fatty acids Omega 3. This helps in maintaining beneficial acids Health of blood vessels the eyes And can reduce the chance of pain Dry eye syndrome And Chronic eye diseases.

Nuts and seeds

This almonds almonds, Chia seeds And no Lenin is rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids Omega 3Nutrients that protect eye cells against Oxidative damage And contribute to it A healthy long-term vision.

Pecan nuts.webp


This eggEspecially the budThey are rich Lutein And Zeaxanthin, the same antioxidants present in green leafy vegetables. These nutrients reduce the presence of eye diseases and improve the general health of the eyes.




This BeansThe molasses And Chickpeasis an excellent source of ZincAn essential mineral for Eye health. Helps transport zinc Vitamin A From the liver to the retina to produce melanin, a Protective pigment in the eyes.

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