
The Moon as a New Playground for Russia and China?

Space exploration may soon take a nuclear turn. Russia and China are actually planning to install a mini-atomic power plant on the moon within a few years.

Imagine the challenge! Establishing a sustainable human base on the Moon is no easy feat. Beyond the adverse living conditions, the big question is: how to get a reliable and continuous energy supply? Solar panels are good, but when night falls for two weeks, it creates a problem. Russia and China may have a solution: A small lunar nuclear power plant.

Atomic energy has already conquered space

Although the thought may be surprising, nuclear power is not entirely unknown in the space realm. Since the beginning of the conquest of space, agencies have used Radioisotope thermoelectric generator To power specific probes and rovers. Theory? Convert the heat released by the natural decay of radioactive elements into electricity.

Pioneers of nuclear fission in space But some have also taken the step of nuclear fission for space. In 1965, NASA tested the reactor SNAP-10A of 600W In orbit for 43 days. The Soviets were not excluded from the nearly thirty nuclear military satellites sent from 1970 to 1988, some operating for 4 months! Space, the new playground for atoms.

Krusty, the little reactor that goes up, up…

More recently, NASA has returned to this topic as part of the Artemis program. In 2018, engineers developed Krusty, a small 1 kW reactor prototype, capable of pushing up to 10 kW. A feat that convinced NASA to pursue this path. A small lunar reactor built in the USA may well see the light of day!

A bright future for nuclear energy?

On the side of Moscow and Beijing, we are sure to take the plunge Between 2033 and 2035 with real Mini Nuclear Power Plant on the moon Sufficient to ensure a quality energy supply to their future permanent lunar scientific station. The technical details are yet to be worked out but one thing is certain: if we want to permanently install humans on the moon in the futureatom Can play a good role!

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