
The dematerialized driving license will arrive in France this Wednesday

Ministry of Home Affairs announced dematerialization of driving license.
From Wednesday 14 February, this coin can be carried anywhere in France on your smartphone.

This February 14th may mark the beginning of a love affair between your driver’s license… and your phone. As of this Wednesday, the dematerialized license is coming to France, the Interior Ministry announced Parisian. So you don’t have to have your license in card form (or pink paper) while driving, your smartphone can do the trick in a checking situation.

The registration document will soon be dematerialized in return

The system has been in the test phase for several months in three departments, Rhône, Hauts-de-Seine and Eure-et-Loir. Its generalization, planned for early 2024, is now a reality. To take advantage of your dematerialized license, one condition is necessary: ​​having your digital identity card on France Identity. If this is the case, go to the application to install your “e-permit”.

A measure “Requested very widely by the French”delights Home Secretary Gerald Darmanin in the columns of Parisian. “A dematerialized license will of course be more effective in combating identity theft, even if you lose this document.”

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However, there will be no obligation to download it to your phone. “Dematerialized driving license does not replace, it supplements”Refers to the Home Minister. “In any case, there will be no obligation to go digital, physical and digital will coexist.”

Other documents related to the vehicle should follow soon. “The next step is to digitize your registration certificate, that famous gray card that we often lose or damage”Gerald Darmanin confirms. “Its dematerialization will be used specifically to secure the sale of the vehicle.”


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