
The Competition Authority sets the conditions

Purchase of films: OCS will be independent of Canal+

The Competition Authority has approved the acquisition of OCS and its film and series co-production subsidiary by Canal+, subject to conditions. The decision follows a memorandum of understanding announced a year ago between Canal+ (Vivendi Group) and Orange. The authority recognized potential threats to competition, particularly as Canal+ would have a dominant position as the sole pre-purchaser of French films for broadcast in the first paid window.

To address these risks, Canal+ is committed to maintaining an OCS/Ciné+ acquisition team, dedicated to the pre-purchase of French films from French producers. This team will be separate from Canal+, thus ensuring a certain independence in programming choices and support for French production.

End of Canal+ exclusivity on certain films

Another issue raised by the authority concerns the availability of French films from the Orange Studio catalog on catch-up television services of free-to-air channels. Canal+ has undertaken not to oppose the transfer of broadcast rights to these services, thus promoting greater accessibility to French works.

This acquisition allows Canal+ to strengthen its offering and strengthen itself against American platforms, in the face of increased competition in the audiovisual sector. For Orange, the move marks a departure from content creation, an area where the company has faced difficulties.

OCS can finally no longer be at a loss

OCS, which was already partly owned by Canal+, has been loss-making since its creation in 2008. This integration into the Canal+ group may therefore represent an opportunity for recovery and strategic growth for the channel portfolio.

The commitments made by Canal+ are valid for a period of five years and may be re-examined. This clause ensures the monitoring and possible adaptation of measures according to the development of market and company practices.


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