
Success Massara announced an “international investigation” into the death of protester Yaya Dillo

In Chad, five days after the shooting death of dissident Yaya Dillo during an army attack on his party’s headquarters, Prime Minister Suess Massara announced exclusively to RFI this Monday evening that there would be. An “international type of investigation” to “discover responsibilities”.

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The Chadian prime minister, who was in the United States last week and is currently visiting France, returned to RFI on his death. Competitor Yaya Dilo died on Wednesday 28 February As a result of the injuries he sustained in the attack on his party headquarters, which also cost the lives of four Chadian soldiers.

After this episode that sows Trouble and anxiety in the pre-election contextSuccess Masra assured that “ An international type of survey “for” Find responsibilities » will be open. ” The government is committed to conducting an international-style inquiry that will identify responsibilities at all levels. There are photos, but also a film, a film of events. I would like to invite everyone to watch the film of all the events “, declared the Prime Minister.

“Another area of ​​unrest”

The Chadian head of government also ” Regrettable » Condolences to the death of Yaya Dillo and his family, but “ To the families of the soldiers killed in this case

For me, as head of government, this is one more area of ​​unrest during the transition phase, perhaps of many.Success Masra accepted. We experienced one in October 2022, we just experienced another. But as a co-pilot, along with the chief pilot who is the president of the transition, my ambition with the entire crew is that we can land at the airport of democracy despite the areas of turbulence. », assured the Prime Minister.

Also readProtester Yaya Dillo’s death in Chad: A look back at a cousin’s journey that was so embarrassing

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