
Russia formalizes Vladimir Putin’s victory and denies any election fraud

Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on March 21, 2024.

The Russian Central Electoral Commission (CEC) announced the final results of the March 21 presidential election on Thursday, formalizing Vladimir Putin’s landslide victory.“historical” This ballot is without protest and without denying any fraud.

Mr. Putin, who has been in power for twenty-four years, won 87.28% of the vote, CEC President Ella Pamfilova said at a press conference. The participation rate in this election, which was held from March 15 to 17, reached 77.49%, she added.

“This is a historic election”Saidme Pamfilova, believed that every voter was brought “His Contribution to the Strengthening of Russia”. She praised the election campaign “very clean” And “Very Responsible”Make sure the CEC was received only “A total of 459 complaints of violations”. “It’s nothing”she guessed.

Also Read | Articles are reserved for our subscribers “Presidential elections in Russia are intended to illustrate and give confidence to Putin’s mastery of all the cogs of the system”.

Three other candidates without scope

During the vote, Mr. Putin faced three candidates who did not oppose the invasion or the crackdown in Ukraine that crushed the opposition and culminated in the death in prison of Alexei Navalny, the Kremlin’s black beast, in mid-February. The only opponent who tried to run, Boris Nadezhdin, rejected his candidacy.

Following the announcement of the official results, Vladimir Putin addressed the nation in a video broadcast by public television. “The elections showed that Russia today is one big joint family”he said, as he made the country’s unity the leitmotif behind his attack on Ukraine. “We are following together the historical path we have chosen. We are sure of ourselves, our strengths and our future”The head of state concluded.

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